Friday, October 31, 2008

Christ Blessed His Enemies

The Apostle Peter wrote to believers and told them how to live the good life even in the midst of persecution. Peter gave this instruction in 1 Peter 3:8-12.

Among other things Peter told the believers not to return evil for evil or insult for insult. That’s hard instruction. Our natural reaction when we are mistreated is to talk back. But Peter says that rather than do that, we are to give a blessing instead. We are to love our enemies. We should pray for them and be kind to them. This is how to live the good life.

We can do this by remembering all the blessings that we have in Christ. I was His enemy but He blessed me. He died for me and forgave me of all my sin forever. Because of what Christ has done for me, I am going to heaven no matter what anyone else does.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Fellowship of Believers

The Apostle Peter tells believers living in the hostile environment of the Roman Empire that they can live the good life in 1 Peter 3:8-12. This same instruction is true today for believers living in places like Iran, Iraq, and India – all places where Christians have recently been suffering.

But this instruction is just as necessary for believers living in San Antonio. We face the danger of thinking that the good life consists of what the society around us chases after. We need to be reminded of what the good life really consists of.

Peter reminds us that the good life is found in the fellowship of believers where the attitude is that of harmony, sympathy, brotherly love, kindheartedness, and humility. What we have together as believers is something to be cherished. In Christ we have a life that is worth sharing.

Are you enjoying that kind of fellowship? Are you sympathetic, kindhearted and humble towards other believers?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Living In Harmony

The Apostle Peter gave instruction on living the good life in 1 Peter 3:8-12. He wrote this to believers who were being persecuted by an unbelieving and hostile culture. He had instructed them on how to relate to their government, their employers, and even their unbelieving spouses. Then Peter sums it all up with how they can experience the good life in the midst of all that.

Peter begins by telling the believers that they are to be harmonious. They need to live together in harmony in the midst of a hostile world. Believers need to be of one mind. Christians need to be united in serving the Lord.

No matter what rejection we face in the world we have our fellow believers who share our beliefs and we can enjoy the harmony of worshipping and serving the Lord together. When believers don’t take advantage of the fellowship of believers, they won’t experience the good life.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

No Matter What

Is it possible to live the good life apart from any particular possessions or circumstances? The Apostle Peter tells us it is possible in 1 Peter 3:8-12.

Peter was writing to Christians who were living in a hostile environment. They were hated. They were slandered. They were mistreated. They were abused. They were persecuted. The circumstances of their lives were anything but fun. Yet, they could still live the good life by following the Apostle’s instruction.

Most of you listening to this are not in that kind of situation. But I seem to be constantly encountering dissatisfied, unfulfilled Christians. To listen to them talk, you would not get the impression that they were living the good life.

We need to pick up the Scripture and read passages like this one in 1 Peter and learn how to live the good life in an ungodly world. The Bible provides answers and brings joy to the believing heart.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Good Life

I think it is safe to say that everyone is living in pursuit of what they would consider the good life. Not everyone is in agreement as to what the good life is, but to most Americans the good life consists of owning certain possessions and enjoying right circumstances.

As long as I can have what I want to have and I can indulge in whatever makes me feel good, then I would consider that the good life. The problem with this view is that you can never obtain enough and there is no guarantee that all these things will bring a good life.

The Apostle Peter wrote a letter to some Christians who were living in a hostile culture. These Christians were being persecuted for following Jesus Christ. Yet, in 1 Peter 3:8-12, Peter told them how they could experience the good life.

In Christ we have a life that can’t be touched by circumstance.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Study the Bible

I trust that you know about the MacArthur Study Bible. This study Bible was put together a little over 10 years ago and has sold over a million copies since then. It has been translated into German, Russian, Spanish, French, and Italian. Currently Arabic and Chinese translations are in the works and when they are done almost 95% of the people in the world will be able to use this incredible tool.

I believe that The MacArthur Study Bible is the finest Study Bible available. If you want to know what the Bible means, then this is the book for you. There are introductory articles and thousands of notes to help you understand Scripture. If you could only have one study aid, this would be the best one to have.

At Believers Fellowship we want to know Scripture and we’re thankful for the MacArthur Study Bible.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Master's Seminary

As you may know, Dr. MacArthur is the President of The Master’s Seminary. Master’s Seminary has the simple goal of preparing men to be faithful expositors of God’s word in the local church. Every class is directed to that goal.

I am thankful for The Master’s Seminary and wish there were more seminaries with the same goal. We live in days where there is a great need for men in pulpits who will faithfully deliver messages that accurately communicate what God revealed in His Word.

I had the privilege of studying at Master’s Seminary and receiving my Masters of Divinity degree from them. The things learned help me every day in my ministry. Currently I am working on a Doctor of Ministry degree in preaching to help me improve still more.

At Believers Fellowship we are thankful for The Master’s Seminary.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Master's College

As you may know, John MacArthur was my first pastor back in 1974. Over the years I have greatly benefitted from his faithful Bible teaching. It is the solid truth from God’s Word that equips us for everything in life.

Dr. MacArthur is also the President of The Master’s College. Two of my sons graduated from Master’s and my youngest son is in his last year there. To study at a school that is so committed to the Savior and His word has been a tremendous blessing to my sons. In college is when many people decide their career path and who they will marry. To make those decisions in an environment with a godly faculty and committed leadership which supports the home and church is wonderful.

At Believers Fellowship we are thankful that God has raised up men like John MacArthur and ministries like Master’s.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Are You Abiding?

Jesus repeatedly claimed to be God. One way He did this was by claiming the name, “I am,” for Himself. Everybody who knows the Old Testament knows that God revealed Himself to Moses as “I am.” So, for Jesus to claim that name for Himself was for Him to claim to be God.

Often in John’s gospel we see Jesus claiming this name for Himself and then adding something to this name to further describe Himself. In John 15 we read that Jesus said, “I am the true vine.” So not only is Jesus saying He is God, but, just like the vine is the source of life to its branches, so Jesus is saying that He is the source of life to all who abide in Him. To abide in Him is to have a permanent commitment to Him.

So, do you abide in Christ? Is He your God and your source of life?

Join us in worshipping our God. All our information is online at

Monday, October 20, 2008

Did Jesus Lie?

We live in what are called postmodern times. In our day truth is seen as relative. What is true for you may not be true for me. In these times the only thing that is certain is uncertainty.

Jesus presents a different view. Jesus spoke in terms of absolute truth. For example, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” Jesus’ statement flies in the face of modern thinking that wants to allow for many ways to God.

So, was Jesus right or was He wrong? When He says that He is the only way to the Father was He telling the truth or a lie? Some like to think that Jesus was a good teacher and we should admire Him. But did He lie about how to get to God?

At Believers Fellowship we believe that what Jesus said was true.

You are welcome to worship Him with us. All our information is online at

Friday, October 17, 2008

Do You Believe This?

The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death. Everyday people die as an affirmation of this truth. The Bible also tells us that if a person dies with their sin unforgiven, they will experience eternal punishment for their sin.

We can’t avoid the reality of physical death, but God has made provision for the forgiveness of sin. He sent His Son to take upon Himself the punishment of sin for all who would believe in Him.

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.” Then Jesus asked a question. He said, “Do you believe this?”

If you believe, your sin is forgiven and rather than the eternal punishment you deserve, you receive eternal life.

Do you believe this? At Believers Fellowship we believe in a life giving Savior.

You’re welcome to worship with us. All our information is online at

Thursday, October 16, 2008

You Can Live Even If You Die

Jesus had some friends named Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. They were brother and sisters who lived near Jerusalem. In John 11 we are told that Lazarus got sick and eventually died. It was four days after he died that Jesus arrived.

Martha and Mary were glad to see Jesus but they were disappointed that Jesus had not been there earlier to heal Lazarus and prevent him from dying. Little did they know that Jesus intentionally arrived late so that He might perform the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead.

As Jesus spoke with Martha He said, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies.” Then to prove what He said, Jesus dramatically raised Lazarus out of the tomb.

Do you believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life? Sin kills, but if you turn to Christ, you will live forever with Him.

You are welcome to join us in worshipping Christ. All our information is online at

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I AM? No Doubt About It!

Jesus clearly claimed to be God.

One way He did this was by repeatedly referring to Himself as “I am.” The Jewish people understood that this was the name of God. So, they understood that when Jesus called Himself “I am” that He was claiming deity for Himself.

Some cults will deny that Jesus claimed to be God, but the Bible couldn’t be any clearer on this.

One day Jesus was talking with some Jews. They were arguing with Jesus about His credentials and so Jesus finally said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.”

Was Jesus claiming to be God when He said that? Well, the Jews He was speaking with immediately picked up stones to stone Him. They understood that Jesus was claiming to be God and to them, that was blasphemy. They were going to execute Him.

Jesus is God. He repeatedly made that claim.

Worship Him with us. All our information is online at believers-fellowship.or

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Don't Die in Your Sin

In John’s gospel Jesus repeatedly referred to Himself as “I am.” In saying this Jesus was referring back to Exodus 3 when God told Moses that His name was “I am.” So when Jesus said “I am” about Himself, He was claiming to be God.

Now this is not just important theologically, but also very practically. In John 8:24, Jesus said, “Unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins.” A failure to believe in Jesus as God will leave you condemned in your sins.

So when someone from a cult that doesn’t believe that Jesus is the God comes to your door you should make them aware of this truth. You should tell them that they will die in their sins if they fail to recognize Jesus as God and you should show compassion on them. You should urge them to change their view about who Christ is.

Join with us in worshipping Christ as God. All our information is online at

Monday, October 13, 2008

Come Out of the Darkness

In John 8 Jesus said, “I am the Light of the World.” This is an emphatic statement. He said, “I Myself am the light of the world.”

And when Jesus says that He is the light of the world he is saying that He is God and He is saying that He is the promised Messiah.

Jesus made this statement in the Temple right after the Feast of Tabernacles. During that Feast the Jews remembered that God led them through the wilderness by a pillar of fire. He had saved them out of Egypt and He led them by His light.

Jesus says the same to you and me. He can bring you out of the darkness of slavery to sin. He said, “I am the light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” Do you follow Him?

Join us in worshipping the light of the world. You can find all of our information online at

Friday, October 10, 2008

Totally Committed to the Bread of Life

Three times in John 6 Jesus says, “I am the bread of life.” Jesus is saying that He can give life, in fact, He can give eternal life. He said that whoever comes to Him will not hunger, and that whoever believes in Him will never thirst.

Jesus promises to satisfy the human soul with a kind of life that can’t be found anywhere else. Unfortunately and unbelievably, most of those who heard Jesus say those words walked away from Him. Why? Because He told them that they must eat His flesh and drink His blood. By saying those words Jesus was saying that you must be totally committed to Him.

Those people didn’t want that. They admired Jesus’ miracles and they appreciated the free bread He gave them, but they didn’t want to commit to Him. They preferred sin and death to Jesus and life.

Are you totally committed to the Lord Jesus Christ? Only He gives life.

Visit us Sunday. All our information is online at

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Is I AM with You?

One of the most, if not the most, common expressions in the Bible is, “Do not be afraid,” or something similar. Now why do you think that is one of the most common expressions found in all of Scripture? The answer is real simple. It is because we often are fearful or anxious.

Today we have many things we could be anxious about. Gas prices and the economic situation in general could give us plenty to worry about. Jesus’ disciples were afraid one night as they were crossing the Sea of Galilee in a storm.

But Jesus came to them walking on the water and said to them, “I am, do not be afraid.” When Jesus said, “I am,” He was claiming to be God. When you know that Jesus is with you, then you don’t need to be afraid of anything.

Have you trusted Christ as Savior? Then He is with you.

Come worship our God and Savior with us this Sunday. All our information is online at

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I AM says Do Not Be Afraid

In John’s gospel we often read of Jesus referring to Himself as “I am.” That is a declaration of Jesus’ deity. When Jesus says, ‘I am,” He is claiming to be God.

Jesus referred to Himself this way once in a very interesting situation. In John 6 we read of the disciples crossing the Sea of Galilee and a storm came up. They were having a hard time dealing with the wind and the waves and then they were frightened by the sight of someone walking across the water.

Well, it was Jesus walking on the water and He said to those scared disciples, “I am, do not be afraid.” Jesus took care of those disciples that day and He can take care of you and me.

Knowing Jesus and knowing that He is God can take care of all our fears. Do you know Jesus? Do you know Jesus as your God and Savior?

Come and worship with us. All our information is online at

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I AM is the Messiah

When Jesus referred to Himself as “I am” he was declaring that He is God in the flesh. But often Jesus attached some additional significance to that title.

For example, in John 4, we read of Jesus talking to a Samaritan woman next to a well of water. The woman had come to the well to get water for her daily needs and Jesus, who was resting there, asked if she would give Him a drink.

This request led to a conversation which eventually led to the differences between Samaritan beliefs and worship and Jewish beliefs and worship. The woman said that she knew that someday a Messiah, a Christ, would come and He would straighten everything out.

At that point Jesus said, “I am.” Jesus informed this woman that the man talking to her was in fact the Messiah. “I am,“ God in the flesh, is the Messiah.

At Believers Fellowship we worship Jesus as God and Savior.

You can find all our information online at

Monday, October 06, 2008


Several times in the Gospel of John we read of Jesus referring to Himself simply as, “I am.” When Jesus said “I am” He was clearly equating Himself with God. In Exodus 3 when Moses asked God what His name was, God said, “I am.” So, when Jesus says, “I am,” He is claiming to be God.

It is so important that we remember the deity of Christ. It is important for us to remember this in connection with the teaching of the Trinity. It is also important that we remember this in regard to the incarnation. When Jesus came into the world, it was God taking on human flesh.

When we think of God taking on flesh we marvel at His humility. When we remember that God took on flesh so that He could die in the place of sinners, we marvel at His grace.

Do you believe Jesus is God?

Worship Him with us Sunday. All of our information can be found online at

Friday, October 03, 2008


This week I read what I think is a very accurate definition of Blogging:

Never have so many with so little to say said so much to so few.

I can relate to that. I've been blogging recently about our incredibly awesome Savior. A Savior who is available to desperate sinners. A Savior who is impartial - accepting all sinners who come to him in faith. A Savior who is gracious towards sinners who come to Him, giving them far more than they could have ever imagined. And a Savior who is powerful - so powerful that that He can reverse death and give back life.

After writing about our great Savior I put out a call across the vast expanse of the World Wide Web, asking people to give an amen to these mind-blowing truths about Jesus Christ. I got two responses. Two. 1-2.

Never have so many with so little to say said so much to so few (apparently, two, to be exact).

Now maybe everybody is busy following the presidential campaigns. Jesus is King of kings.

Perhaps others are caught up in the financial crisis and following the bailout plans. Jesus owns the earth and everything in it.

Others maybe are tuned in to Facebook - following their friends as they go to a game, or shopping, or wherever. We want to stay connected. I got to keep the text messages flowing. Jesus never leaves me. I can talk to Him anytime or anywhere.

Jesus has communicated with us in His Word. His Word never needs updating. Scripture is as fresh today as the day it was first penned.

I love my Savior. Amen.

Never Disappointed!

The Bible exhorts us to fix our hope on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sadly, churches are filled with people who either have no hope or they have a false hope. Many today have placed their hope in their job, or their friends, or their possessions, or their church, or their marriage – or something else.

And when things don’t go for them like they had hoped in their marriage, or on their job – or whatever, then they struggle with discouragement, discord, depression, and even divorce.

In all these cases it is the result of a misplaced hope. Someone who has their hope fixed on the Lord will never be disappointed. You never can be disappointed because the Lord is absolutely perfect in every way.

The solution for those suffering from a misplaced hope is to set their hope on Christ.

Where is your hope today? Can you honestly say, “My hope is in the Lord?”

Join us this Sunday. All our information is online at

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Gentleness of Jesus

The Bible tells us to fix our hope on the Lord. In Mark 5 we read of two people who did that and they found Jesus to be available, impartial, gracious, and powerful.

We see one more thing about Jesus in this text. One of the people who reached out to Jesus was a man whose daughter died but Jesus brought her back to life.

But then after that incredible display of power, Jesus demonstrated gentleness to this young girl. He gave a command that no one should tell what He had done for her. I believe this was an expression of gentle thoughtfulness. Jesus did want this girl to become a spectacle.

Also, Jesus said that something should be given the girl to eat. She had been sick for several days and, no doubt, needed to eat something. Again, what a great insight into the gentleness of Jesus.

You can put your hope in the gentle Savior.

All our information is online at

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Can I Get an Amen?

Lately I have written about our great Savior. I have pointed out that Jesus is available, impartial, gracious, and powerful. That's our Lord. He can do what no one else can do.

Have you been reading? If you've been encouraged this would be a good time to let out an "Amen!"

Talk to me. Let me hear from you.

The Power of Christ

In Mark 5 we read about two people who looked to Jesus for help. One was a synagogue official whose daughter was dying. The other was a woman who had suffered with a hemorrhage for 12 years.

Both of them found Jesus to be available, impartial, and gracious. But if you are going to unreservedly and totally put your hope in someone they must also be powerful. And in this passage Jesus displays His power.

Not only did He heal the woman, but along the way He received word that the synagogue official’s daughter had died. This didn’t stop Jesus. He continued on to the house where the girl was.

He then entered her room, touched her, spoke tenderly to her, and raised her back to life. Jesus Christ has power over death.

If you put your hope in Christ, you do not need to fear death.

At Believers Fellowship our hope is in the Lord.

All our information is online at