Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Real Blogging

Since I have been away for a month the radio station is playing repeats of previous broadcasts this week and next. Usually on this blog I post the script of today's program, but I don't want to bore you with reruns. So... I thought I would try some REAL BLOGGING.

Here are some random thoughts:

A month away from our home and our church is too long.

I saw miles and miles of Texas.

The doctoral program I am in is the best thing I have ever done in terms of ministry preparation and encouragement. It's like the best of seminary and The Shepherd's Conference put together on steroids.

I got to visit with my dad, three of my brothers, a sister-in-law, my two nephews, my three sons, my two daughters-in-law, and my grandson. Sweet.

I enjoyed fellowship with lots of good friends.

I preached one time, I heard six live sermons, and I listened to 15 sermons driving around in my car.

I saw miles and miles of Texas.

You would think that since I'm starting a doctoral program on expository preaching that I would be an expert on the subject. I did learn a lot of helpful things but, in many ways, I feel like I'm just beginning to understand what preaching is all about. By the way, I preached my first sermon when I was 21. That's 32 years ago.

I got to spend a couple of days away with my sweetheart which was really nice. We also got to spend a lot of hours together in the car.

I saw miles and miles of Texas.

I'm ready to dive back into ministry. I'm praying that the Lord will bless our emphasis on The Year of the Gospel and that we'll see much fruit to His glory.

P.S. It seems that many have moved on from blogging to new forms of communication or it may just be that blogging was a fad that is now out of date. If you read this blog with any regularity, please let me know by leaving a quick comment.

Friday, July 25, 2008

It's Really Simple

I became a Christian when I was a college freshman. Back then, in the 1970’s, a lot of young people like me were getting saved. Those were exciting times. Christians were very active in proclaiming the gospel and many were responding. Back then it seemed real simple. I knew what the gospel was and I knew who needed to hear it and I tried to tell as many as I could about Jesus.

Somewhere along the way things seemed to get more complicated and it seemed like the gospel wasn’t being declared with the same excitement it once was. Ministries were developed that majored on defining the gospel and defending the gospel. Those are important ministries, but what about declaring the gospel?

At Believers Fellowship we want to get back to the basics of declaring the gospel. We must do it carefully, but we must do it. Next week we have a VBS to declare the gospel to children. To register go online to

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Good News

Could you use some good news today? Here’s some – Jesus Christ died for sinners. That is The good news. That is the greatest news any sinner could ever hear.

Sin separates people from a holy God. Left to ourselves we could never reconcile ourselves to God. No matter how hard we try, we will fall short of what God requires. Sadly, many people are trying to work their way into heaven through their own religious efforts.

But, the good news is that God did something for us. He reached out to reconcile us to Himself by sending His Son to die in our place and pay the penalty that our sin deserved. Therefore, anyone believing in Christ is reconciled to God. That is good news.

We want to proclaim this good news at Believers Fellowship. Next week we have a Vacation Bible School so we can tell children the good news about Jesus. To register your child, call 656-2000 or go online to

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Declaring the Gospel

Jesus commanded His disciples to proclaim the gospel. They were sent everywhere to tell everyone about Jesus Christ. It is a great privilege for a Christian to declare the gospel to people who need to hear it.

I was saved when two men came on to my college campus and declared the gospel to me. I was 18 years old and I had never heard this good news before. But because these men were faithful to declare the gospel, I heard it and I believed in the Lord Jesus for my salvation.

If you are a Christian, are you faithfully telling others the good news of the gospel? At Believers Fellowship we are committed to encouraging each other to take this good news to everyone that we can.

Next week we will have a five day Vacation Bible School so that we may tell children the gospel of Jesus Christ. You are welcome to register your child. Call 656-2000 or go online to

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Centrality of the Gospel

Many people think that the gospel is something you deal with at the point of salvation and then you move on to other things in learning to live as a Christian. This is not so. The gospel remains central to the whole of the Christian life.

We must remember that we are sinners and that Jesus is a Savior. Our standing before God is not determined by what we do, but by what Christ did for us. In Him we have life and forgiveness. In Him we find grace and help. The same faith we exercised when we were saved, is the faith that we must live by every single day.

At Believers Fellowship we want to continue to learn the gospel. We are convinced that we will never exhaust the riches of this good news.

We want to share this good news with children next week through our Vacation Bible School.

You can register your child by calling 656-2000 and all our information is online at

Monday, July 21, 2008

Learning the Gospel

The gospel is good news. The gospel is all about Jesus Christ. The gospel is the message of salvation.

There is no message of any greater importance than that of the gospel. What people do with the gospel determines their eternal destiny. Reject the gospel and you will experience eternal punishment. Believe the gospel and you experience eternal life.

At Believers Fellowship we want to learn the gospel. We want to have this vital message so clear in our minds that we can explain it to everyone. There is no greater joy than to explain the gospel to someone and see them respond by believing with all their heart.

Next week we will be teaching the gospel to children in our Vacation Bible School. You are welcome to have your children join us. We want to help parents explain the good news of eternal life to their children.

You can call the church at 656-2000 and all our information is online at

Friday, July 18, 2008

Blessed by Jesus

We are told in the gospels, that some parents brought their children to Jesus. In Mark 10:16 we’re told what happened next. “Jesus took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands upon them.”

What a great picture. You can just see Jesus scooping the children up in His arms, one at a time, and blessing them. As one writer says, “This event tells us a great deal about Jesus. It tells us that He was the kind of person who cared for children. He could not have been a stern and gloomy and joyless man.”

But what kind of picture do our children get of Jesus from us? Are we accurately teaching them about Christ?

At Believers Fellowship we want to help parents teach their children about Jesus. On July 28 we start a weeklong Vacation Bible School. Feel free to join us. You can call us at 656-2000 and get all the information or go online to

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Don't Hinder the Children

One day some parents were bringing their children to Jesus but Jesus’ disciples were stopping them. The disciples obviously did not share Jesus’ affection for children. Perhaps they were influenced by the thinking of their day but on their own they decided that Jesus did not need to be disturbed by such unimportant people.

The Bible tells us that Jesus rebuked the disciples for doing this. The word here speaks of a very strong reproof. We are also told that that Jesus was indignant. He was very grieved, very displeased by what they did.

This not only assures us of how much Jesus loves children, but it should serve as a warning to us. We don’t want to do anything that would hinder our children from coming to Christ. We should want to do everything we can to encourage children to follow Christ.

We want to help. We have a VBS starting July 28. Call us at 656-2000 and all our information is online at

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pray for the Children

Jesus said, “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them.”

Jesus encourages people and Jesus wants people to bring their children to Him. And every Christian parent wants nothing more than to have their children trust Christ as their Savior and Lord. Faithful Christian parents pray for their children and teach them about Christ from the Scripture.

And the local church can help parents in teaching their children about the Lord. One of the ministries we have at Believers Fellowship is an annual Vacation Bible School. This can be a very helpful ministry in reaching children. One of my sons was saved at a Vacation Bible School. During a break that particular day, he went into the restroom and right there he put his trust in Jesus as his Savior and Lord.

We want to help you in bringing your child to Christ. Our VBS starts July 28. Call us at 656-2000 and all of our information is online at

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bring the Children to Jesus

One day a group of parents were bringing their children to Jesus so that He might bless them. The disciples apparently thought that Jesus couldn’t be bothered by these children and they were hindering the parents.

Jesus, however, said, “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them.” Jesus does care about children and parents in His day were encouraged to bring their children to Him or to seek Him for help regarding their children.

We should feel the same encouragement today. Parents should seek in every way they can to bring their children to Jesus.

At Believers Fellowship we want to help parents in bringing their children to the Lord. We have a variety of children’s ministries as well as parenting classes and counseling. In two weeks we will have our annual Vacation Bible School which is always a real highlight for us.

You can register your child. Call us at 656-2000 and all our information is online at

Monday, July 14, 2008

Jesus Loves the Little Children

Jesus said, “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them.” It is nice to know that Jesus loves children. It is not easy being a child in our culture and it was very difficult in Jesus’ day. Children occupied a lowly place in ancient society.

In a letter written by a man to his expectant wife in 1 B.C. he instructed her “if it is a male child, let it live, if it is a female, cast it out.’ Sadly, many were cast out and became slaves or prostitutes. You’ll remember that Herod had all the little children in Bethlehem killed. The world of that day did not think highly of children.

By contrast we see Jesus. Any Christlike person will share Jesus’ love and affection for children.

At Believers Fellowship we want to demonstrate Christ’s love for children. In two weeks we will have a VBS to minister to children in Christ’s Name.

Plan to join us. All our information is online at

Friday, July 11, 2008

Want a Blessing?

Psalm 128:4 says, “Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.” The previous two verse talk about this man’s family. This verse gives assurance of blessing in the family of the man who truly fears the Lord.

Many parents seem to be seeking blessing in a lot of other ways. Rather than fearing the Lord and following Him, parents today trust in a particular approach to schooling, or a method of parenting taught by a supposed expert, or activities at the church, or a whole list of other things.

Not that all of these things don’t matter but what matters most is fearing the Lord. The Lord is all powerful, all knowing, eternal, holy, gracious, kind, and merciful. He gives blessings to those who fear Him. To fear Him means that you are focused on Him, listening to Him, and walking in His ways. That’s the way to have a blessed family.

Join us Sunday. All our information is online at

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fearing God or Fearful?

Psalm 128 says that a man who fears the Lord will be blessed in his family.

Many families in the church these days, though, are just plain fearful. They are afraid of everything that might happen to their children. Rather than trust the Lord, too many parents are in constant fear of physical harm or evil influences that might affect their children. Sadly, they seem to think that the things of this world are more powerful than the God they say they believe in.

But all of our worries and fears won’t help our children. If we would learn what it truly means to fear the Lord we could eliminate all other fears. A parent who fears the Lord will not only be blessed but they will be a great blessing to their children. We can’t overestimate the influence of godly parent on their children.

At Believers Fellowship we want to cultivate the fear of the Lord. Join with us. All our information is online at

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Olive Plants

Psalm 128 talks about the blessing that are enjoyed by the man who fears the Lord.

The man who fears the Lord has a high view of God. He recognizes the greatness and power of God and, as a result, the man who fears the Lord gives the Lord all of his attention. He is eager to learn from the Lord so that He might do what the Lord says. This man lives to glorify God.

One of the blessings he receives from the Lord is his children. Psalm 128:3 says his children are like olive plants around his table. In Bible times, olive plants had great value. The choicest products came from these plants. For example, kings were anointed with the oil from the olive plant. This speaks of the potential of our children. These plants, though, require careful attention if they are to develop. The man who fears God cares for his children.

Visit us Sunday. All our information is online at

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Fruitful Vine

Psalm 128 says that the man who fears the Lord will be blessed. One way he will be blessed is in his family. Verse three says his wife will be like a fruitful vine within his house.

By saying that his wife is like a vine, the psalmist is speaking of the value of the man’s wife because of the fruit she will bear in their home. But vines require care. In fact, a vineyard calls for harder and more regular labor than any other kind of agriculture. And the man who fears the Lord recognizes that a marriage requires work and he willingly gives himself to that work. He appreciates the value of his wife. He knows that she is a blessing from the Lord. So, the God-fearing man works hard at his marriage.

Are cultivating the fear of the Lord in your own heart? Does God have your attention? He blesses those who truly fear Him

Join with us Sunday. All our information is online at

Monday, July 07, 2008

The Blessed Man

Psalm 128:1 says, “How blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways.”

This Psalm tells us about the blessed person. This is a strong reminder that God is good and that He blesses people. The compassion and forgiveness of God can bring real blessing and happiness to the heart of a person living in the middle of a wicked, unhappy world. We don’t have to be dependent on circumstances, we can find blessings in a good God.

Notice, though, that the blessings come to those who fear God. To fear God means that He has your attention. You recognize Who He is and you listen to what He says with the intention of doing what He says. The one who fears the Lord is the one who walks in His ways.

If you fear God you don’t have to fear anything else. No matter what, you’ll know His blessings.

Join us in worshipping God this Sunday. All our information is online at

Friday, July 04, 2008

Celebrating a Birth

With today being the Fourth of July you know there will be many flags on display, backyard bar-b-ques, and fireworks. These are some of the ways that we choose to celebrate the birthday of our nation.

On this Fourth of July, our nation faces many important issues. We have the highest gas prices ever, we have a declining housing market, we are at war, and we have an important election coming up just to name a few things.

Most importantly, though, our country is facing a spiritual crisis. Our culture is abandoning any sense of absolutes and certainty and that would include biblical Christianity.

The Fourth of July is a significant day for me in this regard. I was baptized on July 4th, 1976. While others celebrated the 200th birthday of our nation, I celebrated my new birth in Christ. I pray that in this coming year we will see many in our country turn to Christ.

You can visit us this Sunday. All our information is online at

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Loving the Fellowship

Fellowship is a very important part of life in the church.

It is in fellowship where spiritual gifts are employed and people interact with one another. The Bible tells us to love one another, serve one another, pray for one another, encourage one another, and many more one another exhortations are given to us.

At Believers Fellowship we want to encourage fellowship among the believers. We do this in a variety of ways. For example we have a number of home Bible Studies that meet throughout the week. In these small groups believers can personally minister to one another.

We also have men’s and women’s ministries. These ministries are designed to address specific issues and to encourage faithful and biblical living. We also have men’s, women’s, and couple’s retreats and conferences where believers can learn and encourage each other.

Fellowship is a vital ingredient for the life of every believer. I trust that you are actively involved with other believers.

Join us Sunday. All our information is online at

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A Lamp and a Light

The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. At Believers Fellowship we are committed to the Bible.

Our commitment is seen in our teaching of the Scripture. We are constantly studying and teaching the Word of God. For example, let me tell you how we teach our children.

On Sunday morning we have Sunday School classes for all ages starting from 3 years old on up. These classes systematically teach the Bible in a way that is age sensitive.

During the morning service we have Children’s Church for ages three years old through third grade. The first through third graders go through a curriculum designed to teach through the whole Bible in a three year period.

On Sunday evenings we have Children’s Bible Hour for children three years old up through sixth grade. On Wednesday nights during the school year we have AWANA.

We want our children to know God’s Word.

Join us Sunday. All our information is online at

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A Scriptural Storehouse

At Believers Fellowship we are totally committed to the authority of the Bible. Yesterday I told you that one way we express that commitment is through our preaching ministry.

Another way we express our commitment to Scripture is through our counseling ministry. We believe that along with being authoritative, the Bible is also comprehensive and sufficient. In the Scripture we find God’s answers to the issues of life.

So whether the issue has to do with marriage, parenting, anger, depression, or whatever else, we believe the teaching of the Bible will give us the wisdom, peace, comfort, and help that we need.

So, the counseling you receive from us will not be based on human wisdom or theories, but it comes from the Scriptural storehouse of an all-knowing God. God’s wisdom is always relevant and powerful.

If you desire counsel from God’s Word, feel free to contact us or join with us this Sunday. You will find all of our information online at