Jesus Loves the Little Children
Jesus said, “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them.” It is nice to know that Jesus loves children. It is not easy being a child in our culture and it was very difficult in Jesus’ day. Children occupied a lowly place in ancient society.
In a letter written by a man to his expectant wife in 1 B.C. he instructed her “if it is a male child, let it live, if it is a female, cast it out.’ Sadly, many were cast out and became slaves or prostitutes. You’ll remember that Herod had all the little children in Bethlehem killed. The world of that day did not think highly of children.
By contrast we see Jesus. Any Christlike person will share Jesus’ love and affection for children.
At Believers Fellowship we want to demonstrate Christ’s love for children. In two weeks we will have a VBS to minister to children in Christ’s Name.
Plan to join us. All our information is online at
It is such a blessing to be in a church where all people are valued. I rejoice that children are viewed as a blessing and responsibility that God has entrusted to us. May we be mindful that they have eternal souls that will answer to God as we interact with them in our homes, in Sunday School, and VBS
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