Celebrating a Birth
With today being the Fourth of July you know there will be many flags on display, backyard bar-b-ques, and fireworks. These are some of the ways that we choose to celebrate the birthday of our nation.
On this Fourth of July, our nation faces many important issues. We have the highest gas prices ever, we have a declining housing market, we are at war, and we have an important election coming up just to name a few things.
Most importantly, though, our country is facing a spiritual crisis. Our culture is abandoning any sense of absolutes and certainty and that would include biblical Christianity.
The Fourth of July is a significant day for me in this regard. I was baptized on July 4th, 1976. While others celebrated the 200th birthday of our nation, I celebrated my new birth in Christ. I pray that in this coming year we will see many in our country turn to Christ.
You can visit us this Sunday. All our information is online at believers-fellowship.org.
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