A Lamp and a Light
The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. At Believers Fellowship we are committed to the Bible.
Our commitment is seen in our teaching of the Scripture. We are constantly studying and teaching the Word of God. For example, let me tell you how we teach our children.
On Sunday morning we have Sunday School classes for all ages starting from 3 years old on up. These classes systematically teach the Bible in a way that is age sensitive.
During the morning service we have Children’s Church for ages three years old through third grade. The first through third graders go through a curriculum designed to teach through the whole Bible in a three year period.
On Sunday evenings we have Children’s Bible Hour for children three years old up through sixth grade. On Wednesday nights during the school year we have AWANA.
We want our children to know God’s Word.
Join us Sunday. All our information is online at believers-fellowship.org.
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