Friday, June 20, 2008

The Joy of Baptism

This Sunday night at Believers Fellowship we will have a baptism service.

In the Great Commission, Jesus told us to make disciples and baptize them. What a joy it is to do just that. We’re looking forward to a very special time.

Those who are getting baptized will be doing so out of obedience to Christ’s command. And while obedience is always significant, there is much more of significance going on during a baptism.

The one being baptized is expressing their faith in Christ with the act of baptism being the outward expression of the inner reality of faith. Also, they are publically identifying with Christ by being baptized in His Name. And, the act of baptism beautifully pictures the believer’s union with Christ in His death and resurrection.

While baptism does not save anybody, the baptism of a believer truly is a special event. You are welcome to join us this Sunday for the baptism service or anytime. All our information is online at


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