Want a Blessing?
Psalm 128:4 says, “Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.” The previous two verse talk about this man’s family. This verse gives assurance of blessing in the family of the man who truly fears the Lord.
Many parents seem to be seeking blessing in a lot of other ways. Rather than fearing the Lord and following Him, parents today trust in a particular approach to schooling, or a method of parenting taught by a supposed expert, or activities at the church, or a whole list of other things.
Not that all of these things don’t matter but what matters most is fearing the Lord. The Lord is all powerful, all knowing, eternal, holy, gracious, kind, and merciful. He gives blessings to those who fear Him. To fear Him means that you are focused on Him, listening to Him, and walking in His ways. That’s the way to have a blessed family.
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