It's Really Simple
I became a Christian when I was a college freshman. Back then, in the 1970’s, a lot of young people like me were getting saved. Those were exciting times. Christians were very active in proclaiming the gospel and many were responding. Back then it seemed real simple. I knew what the gospel was and I knew who needed to hear it and I tried to tell as many as I could about Jesus.
Somewhere along the way things seemed to get more complicated and it seemed like the gospel wasn’t being declared with the same excitement it once was. Ministries were developed that majored on defining the gospel and defending the gospel. Those are important ministries, but what about declaring the gospel?
At Believers Fellowship we want to get back to the basics of declaring the gospel. We must do it carefully, but we must do it. Next week we have a VBS to declare the gospel to children. To register go online to
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