Good News
Could you use some good news today? Here’s some – Jesus Christ died for sinners. That is The good news. That is the greatest news any sinner could ever hear.
Sin separates people from a holy God. Left to ourselves we could never reconcile ourselves to God. No matter how hard we try, we will fall short of what God requires. Sadly, many people are trying to work their way into heaven through their own religious efforts.
But, the good news is that God did something for us. He reached out to reconcile us to Himself by sending His Son to die in our place and pay the penalty that our sin deserved. Therefore, anyone believing in Christ is reconciled to God. That is good news.
We want to proclaim this good news at Believers Fellowship. Next week we have a Vacation Bible School so we can tell children the good news about Jesus. To register your child, call 656-2000 or go online to
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