Spiritual Malpractice
Today I am at The Master's Seminary as I continue to work on my doctorate in expository preaching.
Preaching is hard work and it requires intense study and preparation. When I was working on my masters degree there was another student who was a medical doctor. He told me that seminary was harder than medical school.
It should be. Ddoctors perform the important function of dealing with the physical body and we are all thankful for them. But the pastor deals with the eternal part of the person – his soul. Therefore, the pastor’s training should be more intense.
Now, you don’t have to go to seminary in order to be an effective and fruitful pastor, but the tragedy of our day is that there are so many unskilled pastors standing in the pulpit and committing spiritual malpractice.
Pastor Bruce,
I've never heard such a thought provoking explanation of the intensity of a Pastor's job. It gives me great comfort to know that our church "pilot" is so well-trained. That gives me great assurance; whether the ride be bumpy or smooth. Thank You.
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