Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Power of Christ

In Mark 5 we read about two people who looked to Jesus for help. One was a synagogue official whose daughter was dying. The other was a woman who had suffered with a hemorrhage for 12 years.

Both of them found Jesus to be available, impartial, and gracious. But if you are going to unreservedly and totally put your hope in someone they must also be powerful. And in this passage Jesus displays His power.

Not only did He heal the woman, but along the way He received word that the synagogue official’s daughter had died. This didn’t stop Jesus. He continued on to the house where the girl was.

He then entered her room, touched her, spoke tenderly to her, and raised her back to life. Jesus Christ has power over death.

If you put your hope in Christ, you do not need to fear death.

At Believers Fellowship our hope is in the Lord.

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