Jesus is Impartial
In Mark 5 we see Jesus responding to the request of a Synagogue ruler to come help his daughter who was dying. By responding, Jesus shows how compassionate and available He is to hurting people.
Some might think that he responded to this man because he was an important individual and that Jesus wouldn’t do that for just anyone.
However, along the way Jesus stops to heal a woman who has had a hemorrhage for 12 years. This woman was in a hopeless situation. Every human means had been tried to cure her, but all had failed.
Because of her condition she would have been considered unclean by the religious people of her day, but she reached out to Jesus and He did not send her a way. This shows us that Jesus is not only available, but He is impartial.
He provides hope to those with or without social status.
At Believers Fellowship our hope is in the Lord.
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