So Which One Are You?
Over the last three weeks we have talked about the stable Christian. We’ve said that some Christians are like thermometers. Their spiritual experience goes up and down depending on what’s happening around them. They react. Other Christians are like a thermostat. They control the environment around them because they act instead of react and they act guided by godly wisdom.
These stable Christians have God’s Word as their priority. They have their hearts fixed on the person of Christ. Stable believers live their lives for the purpose of glorifying God. They have a peace that comes from their confidence in God. These believers are also persistent in their pursuit of spiritual realities. Lastly, these stable Christians have a passion for the Lord that fuels their lives.
So would you consider yourself to be a Christian who is more like the thermometer or the thermostat?
At Believers Fellowship we want to be stable Christians bearing a testimony for God.
Join us this Sunday. All our information is online at
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