Confessing Jesus is Lord
Some Christians are like thermometers just reacting to the circumstances surrounding them. Other Christians are like thermostats because they control their environment by acting according to godly wisdom, not just reacting.
The stable Christian has made a priority of God’s Word. They have their lives focused on the person of Jesus Christ. And, the stable Christian lives their life for the purpose of glorifying God.
What are some ways that we can glorify God? The Bible tells us several ways. One way is by confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord. Philippians 2:11 tells us that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Sooner or later, everybody will confess that Jesus is Lord.
By doing it now, you will bring glory to God. Have you done that? You can’t begin to glorify God until you bow before Christ.
At Believers Fellowship we seek to honor our Lord Jesus.
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