Bonus Blog: Have We Lost Our Minds? Part 2
Sarah Palin is a 44 year old mother of five. The youngest is four months old and down syndrome. A few days ago I raised the question of a mother adequately fulfilling the responsibilities of being a mother while, at the same time, being governor of Alaska or vice-president of the country. I raised the question because it seemed like the "official" Christian response was to support Palin's selection because she is strongly pro-life. I said that while it is good to be pro-life, being a mother is more important than being a governor or vice-president.
Well, by now you have probably heard that Mrs. Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant out of wedlock. The good news is that she is going to keep the child and she will marry the father of the child. This seems to satisfy the conservative "Christian" voting base. Along with this we are being told that family issues are off limits for discussion and that a lot of families have to struggle through issues like unwanted pregnancies.
Again, we see a brushing aside of an important issue. Fornication is no small thing. Now I'm not coming down on Mrs. Palin's daughter or Mrs. Palin. I'm sure this is a very difficult issue for them and having the whole world informed about it can't help. My concern is with the "Christian" response that, "Hey, these things happen." Yes they do happen and as a pastor I am very aware of this. But that does not mean that this is a small or insignificant matter.
It seems that as a country we have lost our ability to discern and the "Christian community," which should be the conscience of society, isn't helping any.
Our country stands in need of a real revival where people will turn away from the all too prevalent "Christian fluff" and turn to the objective truth of Scripture which alone reveals to us the mind of God.
While I do not disagree with anything that has been said in your post - I do raise the important question. Was Laura Bush able to mother her daughters as First Lady? Much less George Bush be a father to his two daughters. The answer is no. Laura Bush as First Lady of our great state or nation was busy - just as busy as her husband. Why not raise this issue?
I do think all too often we as Christians think it is ok for a Christian man to forsake his family for the sake of holding political office but it is not ok for a woman. I would argue that a father has just as important a role in raising a child as does a mother. If not more important.
Clearly George Bush was not involved enough in his girls lives while govenor of Texas much less while President as we as a country watched them struggle in the public eye. Where were their parents? They were busy in public life - while their girls so publically suffered.
I never once heard a Christian raise the issue of George Bush being able to adequately fulfill his responsibility as a father while Govenor or President.
Yet - this is brought up about Sarah Palin by many Christians.
I think there is a double standard at play here.
I in no way am endorsing women holding public office - nor am I condemning it. I just think that men should be held to the same standard that we are holding women. Or not hold a standard for Saray Palin that we for some reason (myself included) didn't hold for George Bush as Govenor or as President. Being a parent is more important that being president, vice president, govenor or any other job that requires us to give up the time that would keep us from being Godly Parents.
Just food for thought.
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