How's Your Love Life?
For the past few weeks we have been looking at the description of love that is found in 1 Corinthians 13. This is a brief but powerful and convicting definition of what real love looks like.
And, this description of love perfectly represents the loving character of our God and Savior. You could easily replace the word love with the name, Jesus, and the passage would make perfect sense.
It would read, “Jesus is patient, Jesus is kind” and so on.
The love that Christians are to practice is to be a reflection of their Lord. 1 Corinthians 13 was written to correct a church that was not practicing this kind of love. Therefore, this chapter was very convicting to them.
It is convicting to you and me as well. To find out how convicting, just try substituting your name for the word ‘love.”
Join us at Believers Fellowship as we study God’s Word in order to grow more like our Savior.
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