What Are You Seeking?
1 Corinthians 13 presents us with a very familiar description of love. You may have noticed though that much of the description is telling us what love does not do. Can you guess why that is? Simple. It’s because these are the unloving things that we often are guilty of.
For example, we are told that love does not seek its own. That strikes at the very heart of the issue. We are often unloving because we are seeking what we want. Actually, seeking its own means to insist on your own way. It’s talking about seeking your own advantage.
This is important because to seek your own seems natural in our society. We’re constantly being told that you’re worth it – you deserve it – you have a right to it.
But that is not love. Love does not seek its own. Love lays down its life, just like Christ did.
Join us Sunday at Believers Fellowship. All our information is online at believers-fellowship.org.
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