Real Blogging Part 2
This is for my seven fans out there who read my blog.
Let me tell you what's been on my mind lately:
The thought that has been running through my mind with great regularity over the past few weeks is this, "There really is a heaven and there really is a hell."
When I think about heaven my heart is full of joy and anticipation and thanksgiving.
When I think about hell I can't be anything but soberminded.
Everybody I know and everybody I don't know is either going to go to heaven or to hell.
There are no other options.
Those of us who are Christians must let the joy that we have in the Lord drive us to a sober compassion for those who don't know Him.
We get distracted too easily.
Everybody is going either to heaven or hell.
There really is a heaven and there really is a hell.
That IS an incredibly sobering reality, indeed! Yet, I know that even my bests thoughts on either one of these places doesn't even get close to truly grasping or understanding what eternity is going to be like there. No wonder God entrusts with the responsibility of "entreating and begging" others to be reconciled to Him.
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