We Need a Savior!
In 1 Corinthians 13 we are given a picture of what real love looks like. You could put Christ in here and read a perfect description of the love that He demonstrates. It’s much harder to put our own name in this chapter.
That reveals to us how much we need a Savior. We need a Savior who can forgive us of our many sins and a Savior who can change us from unloving to loving.
Christ is that perfect Savior. To try to love apart from Him will be a failure. It will be superficial at best and mostly just self serving.
I Corinthians 13 was written to correct some unloving Christians. We need this correction today. We live in a world that is consumed with self and which drinks deeply from the cup of arrogance.
Loving Christians stand out as a true testimony for their Savior.
At Believers Fellowship we want to be that kind of testimony. Join us Sunday. All our information is online at believers-fellowship.org
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