Willing to Suffer?
Some Christians are like thermometers. They go up and down depending on circumstances. Other Christians are like thermostats controlling their environment by living with a purpose. That purpose is not to get what they want, but to give God glory.
The Bible tells us a number of ways that we give glory to God. One of those ways is by enduring sufferings that might come our way as Christians. We glorify God by being willing to suffer for Him.
This is an important commitment to have because the Bible tells us that everyone committed to glorifying God will suffer and therefore, we glorify God when we endure that suffering.
The Apostle Peter wrote his first letter to suffering Christians. He told them not to be ashamed but to glorify God as Christians even if we are being rejected and persecuted by others.
We glorify God by being faithful to Him even in the face of opposition.
Join us in glorifying God. All our information is online at believers-fellowship.org.
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