Where is Your Hope?
Because of who Jesus Christ is and what He does, you and I can set our hope on Him. The Bible tells us to fix our hope on Christ. And it is vitally important that our hope is set and fixed on Christ.
The Bible tells us that hope produce a steadfastness in the Christian life. It is hope that keeps us going. The Bible also tells us that hope has a purifying effect in our lives. We need our hope settled on the person of Christ.
A hope that is fixed on something other than Christ will lead to things like discouragement, discord, depression, and divorce. A misplaced hope, a hope that is fixed on the things of this world, will lead to disappointments and, ultimately, destruction.
The cure to all of the symptoms of a false hope is to turn to Christ and fix your hope in Him.
At Believers Fellowship our hope is in the Lord.
All our information is online at believers-fellowship.org.
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