Turn to the Lord
In Mark 5 we read of a woman who had had a hemorrhage for 12 years. Her condition would have made her religiously unclean, meaning that she could not attend the synagogue. To not attend synagogue would be to be cut off from all social life.
So this woman suffered physically and socially. She also suffered financially. She spent all she had trying to find a cure for her condition but in the end she was worse, not better. Like many people today, she had put her hope in medicine.
In her desperation, this woman turns to Jesus believing that He can do for her what no one else can. She places her hope in the Lord and the Lord delivers her.
Do you have a sense of hopelessness today? Have you tried everything else but nothing has helped? Turn to the Lord. He is available and He is impartial. He can help like no one else.
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