Never Disappointed!
The Bible exhorts us to fix our hope on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sadly, churches are filled with people who either have no hope or they have a false hope. Many today have placed their hope in their job, or their friends, or their possessions, or their church, or their marriage – or something else.
And when things don’t go for them like they had hoped in their marriage, or on their job – or whatever, then they struggle with discouragement, discord, depression, and even divorce.
In all these cases it is the result of a misplaced hope. Someone who has their hope fixed on the Lord will never be disappointed. You never can be disappointed because the Lord is absolutely perfect in every way.
The solution for those suffering from a misplaced hope is to set their hope on Christ.
Where is your hope today? Can you honestly say, “My hope is in the Lord?”
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When I think of that word challenge of being "fixed" -- the first picture I had come to mind was that of a hunting dog who after all of their energetic running and chasing down the prey, spots it and becomes FIXED on that "hope" of securing the prize. How much MORE should I be fixed on the hope of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!! Truly, I would never be disappointed!
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