I AM? No Doubt About It!
Jesus clearly claimed to be God.
One way He did this was by repeatedly referring to Himself as “I am.” The Jewish people understood that this was the name of God. So, they understood that when Jesus called Himself “I am” that He was claiming deity for Himself.
Some cults will deny that Jesus claimed to be God, but the Bible couldn’t be any clearer on this.
One day Jesus was talking with some Jews. They were arguing with Jesus about His credentials and so Jesus finally said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.”
Was Jesus claiming to be God when He said that? Well, the Jews He was speaking with immediately picked up stones to stone Him. They understood that Jesus was claiming to be God and to them, that was blasphemy. They were going to execute Him.
Jesus is God. He repeatedly made that claim.
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Great post my brother and great blog!
I entitled my blog "Cutting It Straight". I did not know about your blog.
I'm glad I stopped by!
God bless
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