Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Know Peace?

In Psalm 23 David said, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” What did he mean when he said, “I shall not want?”

We tend to think of well being on a physical level. We think of things like financial security, good health, and close and healthy relationships. But that is not what David had in mind. Later in this psalm David talks about walking through the valley of the shadow of death and he refers to his enemies. So David is not talking about perfect circumstances.

So what does David mean when he says, “I shall not want?” He is referring to a condition that is a deep, quiet, settled peace. He’s speaking of a serenely confident heart, a quietly joyful soul that transcends the difficulties and struggles of life. Do you know this condition?

You can if you can say, “The Lord is my shepherd.”

Join us Sunday as we worship the Great Shepherd and visit us online at

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I Shall Not Want

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Most people will recognize that opening verse from Psalm 23. This psalm has a universal appeal. It is a psalm of God’s strength and grace for all ages.

And there isn’t a person on the face of the earth who wouldn’t like to be able to say, “I shall not want.” There isn’t anyone who wouldn’t like to know perfect peace and tranquility and satisfaction and security.

Regardless of where they live, their economic status, their age, their color, or their culture, everyone wants to know this satisfaction. And here David, the author of this psalm, says it. David says it confidently, unhesitatingly, and without qualification. He frankly says, “I shall not want.”

How could David say this? That’s what we want to learn and tomorrow we will continue to look at this psalm. I invite you to follow along either on the radio or online. And let us know if you do.

You can find us online at

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

While you are listening to this today I am in California to play in a golf tournament which is a fund raiser for The Master’s College. John MacArthur is the president of The Master’s College, two of my sons have graduated from Master’s and my third son is finishing up his Junior year. The Master’s College is a wonderful school.

Ministries like Master’s rely on the support of God’s people. As you know, our economy is going through difficult times. We are reminded of this every time we pull into the gas station.

As Christians we need to be good stewards of what the Lord gives us. With this current economy we all may need to make some cuts in our budgets. I would encourage you to maintain strong support for your local church, missions work, and ministries like The Master’s College.

I trust that your budget and mine will reflect the things that matter the most.

Join us this Sunday and go online to

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Value of Christian Education

(Editors Note: This is a transcript of a message which came on KSLR right after the broadcast of Grace to You.)

You just listened to John MacArthur on Grace To You. John is the President of The Master’s College. Two of my sons have graduated from the college and my third son is just completing his Junior year.

And it has been a great experience for my sons to attend the college. U.S News and World Report recently ranked The Master’s College as the 2nd best academic institution west of the Mississippi in the baccalaureate college category. The faculty is made up of some of the best in their respective fields.

On top of that, there is a real commitment to following Christ and learning from His word. My sons benefitted academically but mostly they benefitted spiritually.

If you have high school aged children you should definitely look into sending them to The Master’s College. Private education can be expensive, but the Lord has provided for my boys and it has been well worth it.

Feel free to visit our church and go online to

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pray for Godly Preachers

You just listened to John MacArthur on Grace to You. Dr. MacArthur was my first pastor. I was saved in 1974 and some friends began taking me to Grace Community Church where Dr. MacArthur was and still is the pastor.

After over a decade in the banking business, the Lord led me into seminary to prepare for service in full time ministry. I went to The Master’s Seminary where John MacArthur serves as President. The motto of the school is, “We train men as if lives depended on it.”

The time in seminary was difficult and demanding but I am thankful for it. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t use the skills that were developed in seminary. In fact, I’m preparing to pursue a doctoral program now to further enhance my abilities to minister God’s word.

Please remember to pray for John MacArthur and The Master’s Seminary.

And join us in worship this Sunday and go online to

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Seeking Christ

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will never hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.”

What wonderful words those are. Jesus says that in Him you will find complete, total, ultimate, and eternal satisfaction.

Now there may be some listening who are thinking, “I’m a Christian. I do believe in Christ. But I am not always satisfied.”

There could be several reasons for that. First, we must remember that the Christian life is a growing experience. Our experience of satisfaction is one that grows as we grow in Christ.

Also, our experience of satisfaction in Christ will be hindered by sin in our lives. If we don’t confess our sin we will rob ourselves of satisfaction.

Additionally, we must be sure that we stay focused on Christ and Christ alone. Many seek satisfaction from Christ plus something else.

Join us at Believers Fellowship as we seek Christ and go online to

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Come and Believe

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.”

Jesus is the One who completely satisfies. He is the One who gives and sustains and nourishes real life.

And this life is available to all who will come and believe in Him.

Coming to Christ means leaving where you are at – leaving your sin, leaving your self-centered life, forsaking that in order to come and follow Him.

Believing in Christ means trusting in Him and in His word. It means being totally committed to Him. Jesus said that you had to eat His flesh and drink His blood. That’s a descriptive picture of total commitment.

And for those who will come to Jesus and believe in Him, Jesus makes this incredible promise – complete satisfaction. No way you will ever hunger. No way you will ever thirst.

Join us as we worship Christ and go online to

Monday, April 21, 2008

Total Satisfaction

In John 6:35 we read these words, “Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.”

Jesus is promising that in Him a person will find complete satisfaction. This is certainly a relevant and powerful promise because we live in the midst of so much dissatisfaction. You might even remember the old song, “I can’t get no satisfaction.” That seems to be true for many today.

People today are often dissatisfied with their marriage, their children, their job, their school, their President, and on and on the list could go.

In contrast to all of that, Jesus says that in Him you will know complete satisfaction. In fact, Jesus says that there is not a chance that you will ever find anything less than total satisfaction in Him.

Come join us at Believers Fellowship as we seek satisfaction in Christ and go online to

Friday, April 18, 2008

Grow Up In Christ

The Mission Statement of Believers Fellowship says this:
Believers Fellowship exists to glorify God by ministering the word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit with a focus on the Lord Jesus Christ in order to present every man complete in Christ.

That last phrase, “to present every man complete in Christ,” comes directly from Colossians 1:28. The word “complete” means to be mature or grown up.

The sad fact is that many people who have been Christians for a long time have not yet grown up spiritually. They have not progressed beyond spiritual toddlerhood.

Why is that? Either they have not received good teaching or they have not put into practice what they have learned. At Believers Fellowship we want to create an atmosphere where people are helped in both their understanding and their practice of God’s word. We want to see people complete in Christ.

Come join us as we grow and go online to

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Focused on Christ

Believers Fellowship’s mission statement says:
Believers Fellowship exists to glorify God by ministering the word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit with a focus on the Lord Jesus Christ in order to present every man complete in Christ.

Notice that we want to keep the focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. We recognize that it is His church. Christ is the One building the church. We don’t want to compete with Him.

Christ is the focus of all the Scripture. We want to proclaim Him from the Word of God.

And it is Christ who we in the church are to be growing to become more like in our character. He is the standard, not anything or anyone else.

Jesus Christ is to have the pre-eminence in the church. We want Christ to be honored. We want to point people to the Savior.

You are welcome to join us in our focus on Christ and go online to

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Power of the Spirit

Believers Fellowship’s mission statement says:
Believers Fellowship exists to glorify God by ministering the word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit with a focus on the Lord Jesus Christ in order to present everyman complete in Christ.

Notice that we want to minister the word in the power of the Holy Spirit. Some people think that if you place a heavy emphasis on the word of God that you might leave the Holy Spirit out of the picture.

We would say just the opposite. We believe that the Holy Spirit was at work in the men who wrote Scripture, insuring that it was recorded accurately. Also, the Spirit illumines us as we study, helping us to understand and bringing conviction into our lives. Additionally, it is the Spirit who empowers us as we live in obedience to the word.

The work of the word and the Spirit go together.

Please feel free to visit us and go online to

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ministering the Word

Our Church mission statement says:
Believers Fellowship exists to glorify God by ministering the word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit with a focus on the Lord Jesus Christ in order to present every man complete in Christ.

Today I want to focus on the phrase “by ministering the word of God.” We believe that the Bible is the inerrant revelation from God and that it is powerful. Therefore we unashamedly open it and teach from it to the youngest members of our church all the way up to the oldest.

We believe that God is most glorified and people are best helped through the ministry of the word of God. It is His word that God uses to bring people to new life and it is His word that He uses to feed that new life.

If you want a church that is committed to God’s word in everything, then you are welcome to visit us anytime and go online to

Monday, April 14, 2008

To God Be The Glory

Our church, like most churches, has a mission statement. This is what our statement is:

Believers Fellowship exists to glorify God by ministering the word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit with a focus on the Lord Jesus Christ in order to present everyman complete in Christ.

This week on Cutting It Straight I’d like to break down this statement and think it through.

To begin with, Believers Fellowship exists to glorify God. That’s the bottom line. We only exist as a church because of the gracious work which God has done in our hearts. He saved us. God gave us new life in Christ. God brought us together as a church and He is the One who directs us and provides for us.

Our ministry is not about a personality or a program. It’s all about worshipping and serving our God.

You’re welcome to join us in glorifying God and visit us online at

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Wonder of Bible Study

The Old Testament Book of Judges is fascinating in many ways. We began a study of it this past Sunday night at Believers Fellowship.

I looking forward to considering the lives and ministries of some of the people mentioned as Judges in this book. Some of these men are not so well known, such as Shamgar and Tola. Others are very well known such as Gideon and Samson.

What is especially interesting is that four of the Judges – Barak, Gideon, Samson, and Jephthah are mentioned in the New Testament book of Hebrews. In fact, they are listed in Hebrews 11 which is commonly referred to as the Hall of Faith. These men are listed along with Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and others. What is curious about this is that just a surface reading of the Book of Judges would make you wonder how men like Samson and Jephthah made this prestigious list.

You’re welcome to come and find out with us and go online to

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Always Relevant

This past Sunday night at Believers Fellowship, we began a study through the Old Testament book of Judges. This is a fascinating book and one that I think is particularly relevant for our times.

The Book of Judges uses a phrase that describes the attitude in Israel during the time of the Judges. It says that everyone did what was right in their own eyes. I think that sounds a lot like modern day America.

The postmodern thinking of our day says that even truth can’t be handled with certainty and that, in fact, truth is relative. What is true for you might not be true for me. What is true today might not be true tomorrow.

Now do you see why I think the Book of Judges is so relevant? What does God’s Word say about this issue? How did God address those who did what was right in their own eyes?

Come join us and find out and go online to

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Faith that Works

This past Sunday morning at Believers Fellowship, we began studying through the Book of James. I believe that this is a very important book for our times.

During the Reformation the Protestant Reformers highlighted the message of books like Romans and Galatians. They did so because those books clearly lay out that salvation is by faith apart from works. They stressed this in protest to the works system of the Roman Catholic Church.

Today we have to stress, however, that real faith is demonstrated by works. Just because we are saved by faith apart from works does not mean that real faith doesn’t issue in good works.

I meet many today who are confused on this. They either think that they can have faith and live any way they want, or they do not understand how genuine faith works its way out in their lives because they haven’t been well taught.

James will help us with this.

Join us Sunday and go online to

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Making Disciples

This past Sunday at Believers Fellowship we began a series through the Book of James. I am looking forward to learning great lessons from this inspired letter.

The James who wrote this book was a half-brother of the Lord Jesus. He was a son of Joseph and Mary. He grew up with Jesus as his big brother. Think about what that must have been like.

As you might imagine, James did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah until after the resurrection of Christ. In fact, prior to his conversion, James was somewhat opposed to Jesus’ ministry.

However, after his conversion, James was a committed follower of the Lord and eventually served as the leader of the church in Jerusalem.

At Believers Fellowship we want to see unbelievers converted and then see them grow to maturity and committed service to the Lord. I am sure studying James’ book will help us to that end.

Come and join us Sunday and go online to

Monday, April 07, 2008

Needed: True Revival!

Tonight the eyes of many in America will be on San Antonio, Texas as they watch the NCAA championship game. Our city is a great city in many ways and certainly a worthy host for the NCAA Final Four.

However, there is another side to our city that was revealed in a recent article in Forbes magazine. Forbes used the traditional seven deadly sins and then listed the top 10 cities under each sin.

Our city, San Antonio, made the top ten in four categories. San Antonio was mentioned under Most Lustful, Most Jealous, Most Obese, and Most Slothful. This just reminds us of how pervasive sin is.

If you watch the basketball game tonight to see another champion crowned, may I suggest that you take a moment to pray for our city? Pray that God would bring a true revival through the preaching of His Word.

Join us this Sunday for worship and visit us online at

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Bring The Heat!

This blog is for those of you out there who think that I don't do real blogs anymore (And you know who you are).

Things are about to start heating up here in the Alamo City. This coming week we are expecting several days where the tempature might reach 90. The next cold front to come through will probably be somewhere in the middle of November.

But to all this heat I say - BRING IT!

The picture above shows the pool that is going in to our backyard. As you can see, the hole has been dug, the plumbing is in, and the steel frame is in place. It won't be long until we're putting cool, clear water into this pool. So when it gets hot, we can just walk out the back door and fall in.

We're thankful for the Lord's provision. And, yes, we'll be happy to share the blessing that the Lord has given to us. Come on over and beat the heat with us.

Friday, April 04, 2008

The Privilege of Service

In Revelation 1 we read of a revelation of Christ which was received by the Apostle John. John saw Christ in all His manifest power and glory.

In response, John did what anybody else would have done who saw Christ in His glory – John fell at Christ’s feet like a dead man. He was completely overwhelmed.

Christ then gently touched John and told Him not to be afraid. What a wonderful reassurance John received from the Lord.

Along with the reassurance, though, came a responsibility. John was told to write what he had seen and the rest of the Book of Revelation. When we respond to Christ with reverence, we receive not only reassurance but He gives us responsibilities to serve Him.

And if you and I see Christ in His glory, we realize that serving Him is a get to not a got to. It is a privilege to serve Christ.

Join us this Sunday as we serve the Lord and go online to

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Want Peace?

In Revelation 1 the Apostle John records a vision of Christ that He received. Not only does John record the vision of Christ, however, but He also records his reaction to that vision. He fell at Christ’s feet like a dead man.

What did Christ do in response? We are told that He placed His right hand on John and said, “Do not be afraid.” What an amazing expression of love by our Lord.

This was a touch of tender grace that brought reassuring comfort and peace. And the Lord always brings comfort and reassurance to those who are overwhelmed by His glory.

Perhaps you and I don’t have the peace and assurance that we’d like because we don’t have the reverence, respect and awe for Christ that we should.

John had fallen before Christ like a dead man and Christ said, “Stop being afraid.”

Join us Sunday as we worship our glorious Savior and go online to

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Fall at His Feet

In Revelation 1, the apostle John recorded a vision that he had of the glorified Christ. John saw Jesus in all of His perfect power and majesty. If you’re not familiar with this you should really take the time to read it.

Today I want to consider John’s reaction to this revelation. When John saw Jesus in all His glory, what did He do? He tells us what He did. He says, “When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man.”

John was overwhelmed. He fell in fear. He was terrified. He was traumatized. He was stunned, shocked, shook up.

And so would you if you had seen what John saw. One writer said, “Anything less would have been blasphemy.”

Today, I’m afraid that we respond to Christ too casually. Perhaps you and I need to have a clear vision of who Christ really is.

Join us this Sunday as we reveal Christ from the Scripture and go online to

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Christ in All His Glory

What would you see if you could see Christ today? You would see what the apostle John saw and recorded in Revelation 1.

John described what he saw and he said that Christ’s face was like the sun shining in its strength. In other words, John saw Christ in the full brilliance of His glory. Christ’s face was like the sun shining in all its strength on a clear day.

John had seen Jesus in the flesh when he was on earth, but when Jesus took on human flesh His glory was mostly veiled. It was like a lampshade had been temporarily placed over a bright, burning light and it obscured most of His glory.

But in this vision which John records in Revelation 1, John sees Jesus as He is now – in all of His divine perfection unveiled.

What a vision. Is this how you and I see Jesus, the Lord of the Church?

Join us Sunday and visit us online at