Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
While you are listening to this today I am in California to play in a golf tournament which is a fund raiser for The Master’s College. John MacArthur is the president of The Master’s College, two of my sons have graduated from Master’s and my third son is finishing up his Junior year. The Master’s College is a wonderful school.
Ministries like Master’s rely on the support of God’s people. As you know, our economy is going through difficult times. We are reminded of this every time we pull into the gas station.
As Christians we need to be good stewards of what the Lord gives us. With this current economy we all may need to make some cuts in our budgets. I would encourage you to maintain strong support for your local church, missions work, and ministries like The Master’s College.
I trust that your budget and mine will reflect the things that matter the most.
Join us this Sunday and go online to believers-fellowship.org.
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