Where's Your Treasure?
Last night I read a good book entitled, "The Treasure Principle" by Randy Alcorn. It was well written and challenging. I have always been interested by how much the Bible says about money and how little Christians want to talk about it. Jesus didn't have a problem talking about it. As a former banker of 14 years, I've never had trouble talking about money. The fact of the matter is that what we think about money and what we do with money is, perhaps, the best indication of where we are spiritually. Especially do I think this is true in our affluent society.
Too many Christians want treasure in heaven and on earth. It doesn't work that way. You are either committed to one or the other. Jesus calls us to a radical commitment. He calls us to follow Him no matter what the cost believing that we are laying up treasure in heaven. What so often slows us down in following Him is that we want so much of the stuff of this world. Understand, it is not so much the stuff that is the issue, rather it is the desire we have for the stuff that is the issue.
How do we break the stranglehold of materialism? Alcorn points us to the biblical answer. It is to give. Give generously. Give sacrificially. Give for the sake of the kingdom. Jesus said something that I find fascinating. He said, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21). You or I might say it the other way around. We might say where your heart is, that's where you'll put your treasure. Not so. Jesus says wherever you put your treasure, your heart will follow. Sounds radical but really it is obvious. Whatever I invest in I will be interested in. The more I invest the more interested I am. So if you and I want to have more interest in spiritual realities, more interest in Heaven, more interest in advancing the gospel, then we must invest our money, time, and abilities to that end. Will you do that?
I can hear some people raising questions. What about my child's college fund? What about my retirement? What about this or that? The list is endless. Well listen to what Jesus said. "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things will be addes to you." Do you believe that? It is not that it is wrong to have college funds or retirement accounts. But are those things your goal or is serving the King of kings your purpose?
We only have so much time on this earth and then an eternity in heaven. Let's make the most of our short time here so that we can enjoy eternity to the max. You may not think this is a big deal now, but some day you will. So let's ask ourselves where we are putting our treasure and let's commit to laying up as much in heaven as we possibily can. The treasure you lay up here will either go away or you will go away. The treasure in heaven is eternal.
It's a simple question. "Where is your treasure?"