Keep On Believing
We are saved by faith and we are to walk by faith. Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? Obviously it is not so simple in the nitty-gritty of everyday, real life. We face circumstances, situations, problems, difficulties, people, etc. and we act like we don't believe. In fact we often act like there is no God at all. We become fearful, anxious, unloving, hateful, fleshly, etc. because we are not walking by faith at the moment.
Jairus believed that Jesus could heal his sick daughter. As they were making their way to Jairus' house the news came that his daughter had died. Jesus response is very important. He said, "Do not be afraid, only keep on believing (Mark 5:36)." Jairus believed in Christ's power and grace when he first came to Him and he needed to keep on believing. The cure to fear is to keep on believing.
On the night before Jesus was to be crucified His disciples hearts were troubled. This is the counsel Jesus gave to them, "Let not your heart be troubled, keep on believing in God, keep on believing in Me also (John 14:1)." Do you have a troubled, anxious heart? Keep on believing.
We come to Christ believing that He can forgive our sin, give us new life, and take us to heaven. When we face the pressures of life we must keep on believing. We have a glorious Savior Who can save us and keep us. He is the Great Shepherd and He watches over His sheep. Do you believe this? Keep on believing.
Moment by moment and day by day we need to walk by faith in the Lord, believing His Word, not what the world or our flesh might say to us. Paul summed it up like this, "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him (Colossians 2:6)."
Keep on believing, my friends.