Original Sin
Adam's sin was imputed to us all (Romans 5:12,19). We are all born totally depraved. We are sinners by nature. We are spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1). We are unable to please God (Romans 8:7). We are unable to save ourselves. We are totally without hope in and of ourselves. The only way out is through the provision which God Himself has made for us in sending His Son to die for sinners. Christ bore the wrath of God which sin deserves so that all who would repent and believe in Him would be forgiven and have eternal life.
That brings us to the question we have been discussing about what happens to babies who die. They are born sinners. They are born under the wrath of God. However, the concern is that if they die as babies, they are unable to exercise repentance and faith. So what happens to them?
So far in our study we have looked at some interesting statements made by Job (Job 3:11; 10:18,19). We also considered some important words spoken by the Lord Jesus (Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16) . Last time we considered a comment that God made to Jonah about children in Nineveh (Jonah 4:11). This time I want to add some more Scripture that sheds light on this subject.
Moses sent 12 spies into the promised land and 10 of them came back with a bad report that frightened all the people. They said it would be dangerous to enter this land and they were fearful for their children. Because of this total lack of trust in the Lord, He had them wander in the wilderness until that generation died and then their children would enter the land. Listen to what God says about those children, "Moreover, your little ones who you said would become a prey, and your sons, who this day have no knowledge of good or evil, shall enter there, and I will give it to them, and they shall possess it" (Deuteronomy 1:39). This is similar to the statement that God made to Jonah about children not knowing the difference between their right and left hand. Apparently the Lord sees little children as unable to exercise moral discernment and He is gracious towards them for that reason.
Certainly David understood origianal sin. In Psalm 51:5 he said,"Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me." David knew that he was conceived with a sin nature. Yet when David's baby died he said this, "I shall go to him, but he will not return to me" (2 Samuel 12:23). That was an optomistic statement by David. He was saying a lot more than just that his son and he would be buried next to each other. In fact when the child was sick David was fasting and mourning. When his child died, he cheered up and had something to eat. This change in countenance amazed David's advisors. This just affirms the optomism, the hope that was expressed in what David said about his son.
So, as we look at all of these statements we can affirm original sin and God's grace to babies. Is this a hill to die on? Is this an issue to split a church over? No. But, as I said when I started this little series, as a pastor we are looked to for help in some very difficult situations. I think I need to be able to give clear answers that reflect the truth of God's Word and His character. I knew that this issue would require serious study and solid answers. I didn't want to just respond emotionally but neither did I want to avoid this subject. I believe the Scripture provides an answer.
That's how I cut it. What do you think?
Pastor Bruce,
Thank you for your insights and for the study. It has been helpful for me to read your words on the topic.
I look forward to reading your posts in the future.
Pastor Blakey,
Your study of God's word and subsequent post's are enlightening to say the least. I miss being under your teaching but I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to Read your posts.
Thank you for the help in finding a church in WA. We have been blessed with a new church family to worship and fellowship with.
We were able to meet and learn from Dr. Barrick when he came to our church for a biblical conference. He told us that he was with you in Africa on your trip. What a big God we have that makes the world small ( I am paraphrasing Dr. Barrick's wife).
God Bless you,
Scott Anderson and Family
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