Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Silent Saturday

This morning I had the pleasure of having breakfast with Billy, Cory, Dan and Katie Talcott, Ben, and my lovely wife. We ate at a delightful place called the Egg Plantation (see picture). The food was good, the atmosphere was enjoyable, and the conversation was stimulating. We talked about many things including the fact that today is Silent Saturday

Silent Saturday? Yes, today is the day in between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. The Bible says much about the events of Friday and Sunday, but it is totally silent about Saturday, hence the name Silent Saturday. That didn't keep Dan, amateur philosopher that he is, from speculating about what the disciples must have been thinking on that Saturday. Actually we do have some clues in the Scripture that would help us imagine what the disciples were up to on that Saturday.

Peter, no doubt was totally bummed out. He had denied Christ and wept bitterly. He must have been greatly discouraged. In fact, after the resurrection, Jesus appeared to some men on their way to the Emmaus (Luke 23). They express great disappointment They said that they had hoped Jesus would be the Redeemer but the leaders had put Him to death. And even though some women found an empty tomb, no one imagined that Jesus had risen. In fact they thought the women were speaking nonsense.

Along with discouragement, the disciples must have been very fearful. When Jesus appears to them the first time they are locked in a room in Jerusalem (John 19:19). They figured that if the leaders had killed Jesus then their lives as His disciples had to be in jeopardy. They must have felt like their world had completely come apart.

How things changed after the resurrection. These bummed out, confused, and fearful disciples went out and turned their world upside down as they preached Christ, the Risen Savior and Lord.

Maybe today you're bummed, discouraged, or fearful. Things just aren't going well in your life. You feel like you have blown it or wasted your time and efforts. Take cheer - Christ is alive! He can forgive! He can restore! He can take away all our fears! He invites us to cast all our cares upon Him! He can use you to turn your world upside down!

Use this Silent Saturday to take some quiet time to think about your life in light of the reality of Jesus' death and resurrection. My guess is that you won't be able to stay silent for long.


At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God's grace and mercy is so overwhelming! None of us are in the type of circumstances those disciples were - afraid for their lives, dreams of the Messiah burst. What encouragement that Christ is alive and we have hope!
Thanks, I miss your sermons and insight into the Scripture.
Happy Resurrection Day!

At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I definitely enjoyed remembering Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, but I hadn't heard of Silent Saturday. Thanks for pointing that out and I will look forward to remembering it next year!


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