The Bottom Line
Psalm 128 says that the man who fears the Lord will blessed with a fruitful family. That is the bottom line. We all want advise for our family. This is not bad. We need to think through how we communicate, what activities to be involved in, what kind of schooling for our children. We can and should get wise counsel regarding these issues. But it all begins with the fear of the Lord.
When we understand who God is, who I am, what Christ has done for me and the standing I have, as a believer, before God, well, it should just make me fall all my face in humble awe. Definitely with this realization, God should have my attention. I should desire to please Him and it won't matter who my wife or husband is, what they are or are not doing, in what way they are responding, because my joy comes in knowing my Savior and walking with Him. No matter how many times I have to discipline my children, I am going to heaven because a totally holy God sent His perfect Son to die in my place. Unbelievable! Overwhelming grace!
When I live in the fear of the Lord it takes the pressure off my family. I live for Him and He has given them to me to enjoy life with. What a great gift has been given to me in my family. They may not do everything in a way that meets with my convenience, but that is ok. I don't expect from them what only my Savior can give and besides, who am I that I should be treated like a king. Do I know all the answers as a husband or a father - hardly! Just ask my family. But I do know that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. That's the bottom line.
I think the problem in recent decades has been too much focus on the family and not enough focus on the fear of the Lord (how many sermons have you heard on this topic even though it permeates the Scripture - Old and New Testament. This would be a good book suggestion for any aspiring authors out there.)
So, yes, we need to think through the practicalities of family life but it must begin with the fear of the Lord. That is the bottom line.
P.S. Sorry I am slow at my posting, I'll try to do better.
P.P.S. I'm pretty sure there is some bad grammar in this text (sorry Miss Elmer) but I am writing in a hurry and with a passion.
I think that you are definitely on to something here. It also talks about "fearing the Lord" in Deuteronomy 6:2 in relation to your sons and grandsons. This is just a few verses before it talks about teaching your children. Also, before family relationships are described in Ephesians 5 & 6 it says, "submitting to one anohter in the fear of God (Ephesians 5:21)." The idea of fearing the Lord does permeate Scripture and seems to directly influence family relationships. It would be great if some aspiring author picked this up! Like you maybe!
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