Thursday, June 15, 2006

So You Tell Me (Part 2)

In part one of this discussion on the family I pointed out that despite all the information put out on the family in the past few decades (books, seminars, radio, etc.) the family doesn't seem to be getting any better but, rather, it's getting worse. I asked you to tell me what the problem is and I got some thoughtful responses.

Unity was a common theme in the responses. Families need to have a united heart in following the Lord and they need to work hard at building a godly family. Families are falling apart because they are being pulled apart by our culture and everybody doing their own thing.

These are good thoughts and they definately highlighted some very important aspects of family living. However, I want to push you to think more about this. Let me tell you why.

I have known families that have worked really hard at being united. They did everything together. They homeschooled together, they worshipped together, they travelled together, they did activities together and they were always together. However, some of these families were not very godly; not in a biblical sense. And some children growing up in these families bolted as soon as they could.

Other families are as busy as can be. They are involved in many different things. There is work, and sports, and school , and youth group, and women's ministry, and travel and all kinds of other things going on. Yet, some of these families are the most closely knit, godly families I know.

So you tell me, what's the real issue? What are the real problems and what are the right solutions. So often we seem to major on the externals and we miss the point completely.

So you tell me. I know there are a lot of really sharp people who read this blog and I'd like to extend this discussion by having all of you weigh in on this.

So you tell me - what thinkest thou?

BTW - the picture at the top is a recent photo of my family taken at an engagement party for our son, Billy. Billy and Cory will be married on December 16. Praise the Lord!


At 7:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the engagement of your son, Billy. That is wonderful news.

I read your thread often (even though I don't post very often). It is nice to keep track of what your family is doing on the left coast.

As to your topic - I think that the problem is that too often we focus on the external - the perceived spiritual performance of ourselves and our family without focusing in on the heart. That is where I have failed personally over the years and the exact area that I hope (with the Lord's help) to have success in my growing family. Whether you are busy or close to home (as in your two examples) the focus has to be on growing together as a family with the Dad taking the lead spiritually.

Also as a parent I need to be more concerned with the spiritual health of my wife and daughter than in what other people think about my family - especially me being worried about my daughter embarrassing me.

I have been made steward of two very beautiful women and need to be reminded daily that I am accountable to the Lord for the direction I lead my family.

Back to work here.

Paster Blakey - you are missed here.

Marc Asher
San Antonio, TX

At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So are you really asking? I mean, are you looking for something of value in something that someone else might say, or are you just setting the stage for your own word of wisdom? Go ahead and tell us -- don't keep us in suspense.


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