Happy with Heaven
Blessed are the poor in spirit – those familiar words begin Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and a part of that sermon that we call the Beatitudes. Do you know what the word Beatitude means? It is derived from a Latin word referring to a state of happiness or bliss.
So in these Beatitudes Jesus is describing the person who enjoys a sense of spiritual happiness, blessedness, and bliss. But, as you can tell, Jesus’ view of happiness is very different from the world’s because Jesus says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” That’s certainly not how the world would look at it.
The world says, “Happy are the rich, and famous, and the beautiful.” But what Christ gives is of infinitely greater value than anything this world has to offer. That’s what this first beatitude says. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Christ offers heaven.
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