Born Again
Salvation is from the Lord. It has to be because we cannot save ourselves. This is a truth we’ve been looking at this week as we have considered Titus 3:4-7. We are carefully looking at each phrase in this text as it unfolds for us the nature of God’s saving work.
The phrase for today makes it crystal clear that God saves us. Titus 3:5 says we are saved by “the washing of regeneration.” Regeneration means to be born again. It is to receive new life. As sinners we were dead in our trespasses. But God gives us life – spiritual, eternal life.
And God does this through His Word. 1 Peter 1:23 says that we have been born again by the living and enduring word of God. God washes us from our sin and gives us new life through the power of His Word.
Have you been born again by the life giving Word of God?
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