Powerful to Save
This morning 20 men met at Believers Fellowship to study theology. Nothing can move the heart of a believer more than a deep contemplation of the character of our God.
We have been learning about God’s sovereignty in salvation. The Bible clearly teaches that man is born with a sinful nature. That nature affects the way we think, what we say, and what we do. Our nature is totally affected by sin. Our desires and motives are impure. Because of our condition we are absolutely unable to please God on our own. The Scripture clearly teaches the absolute inability of man.
Therefore, God must, in His sovereignty, take the initiative in drawing people to Himself. The Bible teaches that God is calling people from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation to Himself. He is saving powerfully and permanently.
We can thank God for His sovereign grace by which He has saved us.
Join us Sunday as we worship our sovereign God and visit us online at believers-fellowship.org.
One of the hardest issues it seems for us as man to yield to is this idea of God's sovereignity -- BECAUSE of the very reality and presence of our sinful natures. We are so prideful in our hearts, and fight acknowledging Him, alone, as Lord and Master. Humbling as it may be, recognizing God's sovereignity is such a freeing theological truth! God is God and I am not!
"Powerfully and permanently" -- love that!
Thank you for your faithfulness in teaching these truths each week.
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