Investing In Your Family
(The Cutting It Straight radio spot comes on right after Grace to You on KSLR AM 630)
This week on Grace to You, you are hearing John MacArthur teach on the family. I am glad that he is doing this. I know that his teaching is biblical and I know how important the family is. I tell young men preparing for the ministry that the number one counseling issue they will deal with is the family.
Why are family issues so common? The answer is because sin is so pervasive. Pride and selfishness are killers in family relationships. Harmony in the home requires that we not listen to the world but that we humbly submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
I encourage you to keep listening to Grace to You and learn all that the Bible teaches about the family. You won’t regret investing in your family. There is no greater joy than that found in a godly family.
At Believers Fellowship we seek to encourage healthy homes. Feel free to visit or contact us. You can find all of our information online at
Reading your post, I was reminded anew of how it takes purposeful and diligent effort in our homes to be pleasing to Him. Dieing to self alone is a constant battle, but yet so necessary if we are to have godly families. We will reap what we sow -- thanks for the reminder to be investing in that which is has eternal dividends.
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