Godly Marriages
(The Cutting It Straight radio spot comes on right after Grace to You.)
You just heard John MacArthur start a new series on the family on Grace to You. The family is instituted by God as the most basic and foundational of all human relationships. The family is very important to God.
This past weekend I had the privilege of performing a wedding for a godly young couple. It is always encouraging to see a couple commit themselves to following the Lord’s way in their marriage.
Sadly, many marriages struggle, even within the church. Many believers need to reorient their thinking to the biblical pattern. These broadcasts on Grace to you will help strengthen any marriage.
I know that my own marriage has been greatly helped by the biblical teaching of John MacArthur and other men on the staff of the church he pastors. I encourage you to listen to these broadcasts.
At Believers Fellowship, we are committed to the family. Feel free to visit or contact us. All our information can be found online at believers-fellowship.org.
You know, it's kind of ironic that the radio spot right before MacArthur, often, contains much of the marriage fluff that couples try to form their lives on. God's Word is truly sufficient to give us everything we need for LIFE and godliness. May listeners be discerning and respond to biblical truths and not mere human wisdom.
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