The True Shepherd
In John 10 we see Jesus presenting Himself as the true shepherd and the good shepherd.
As the true and good shepherd, Jesus is contrasting Himself with thieves, robbers, and hired hands.If you cut it straight in studying this passage you realize that the thieves, robbers, and hired hands are the Pharisees, the Jewish religious leaders.
Thieves and robbers picture religious leaders who rip of the sheep rather than feeding and protecting them. Hired hands run when there is trouble because they are not really concerned for the sheep, they only care about themselves.
Sadly, we live in a day when there are many leaders who are thieves, robbers, and hired hands. They are in ministry for their own personal gain. As a result, people are led astray from the true shepherd.
At Believers Fellowship we are committed to presenting the True Shepherd to people. We want people to follow Christ.
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