The Call to Ministry
Here's the broadcast for today. Pray for us tonight that God will be glorified and that He will use this as a start to giving His Word a broader influence in our city.
Welcome to Cutting It Straight – A ministry of Believers Fellowship. I’m pastor Bruce Blakey.
The old advice that if you can do anything else other than be a pastor- do it, is good counsel.
The ministry is not something to enter into lightly, but very carefully.
It begins with an inner desire that you must believe comes from God. But that inner desire is not enough.
The Scripture in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 lays down objective standards for what a man must be if he is to serve in the ministry.
And a man must be evaluated by recognized spiritual leaders as having met those standards so that he is fit to serve.
Generally that recognition is done formally and publically.
That is what we are doing tonight at Believers Fellowship. Tonight the elders will lay hands on me, formally recognizing my call to this ministry and John MacArthur will be there to preach the sermon.
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