Saturday, August 06, 2005

A Lot of Boxes

It has been a slow week in the blogging world. Bobby and Christa are away at Survival Camp. They have no internet access there. Billy is traveling all over California visiting friends and relatives waiting to move in to his new apartment. No internet access for him. Even Pyromaniac took a day off after doing jury duty. Only Ben has been faithfully blogging away. But Ben has been cranking it out too fast for people to comment. (Note to the uninitiated: at the bottom of each article it says "comments" as in "0 comments" or "4 comments." By clicking on the "comments" a screen will pop-up providing a place for you to leave a comment. It is quite exciting for a blogger to receive comments, so please feel free.)

Roberta and I have not been blogging because we have been busy with a little project. (Although Roberta has managed some late night, early morning entries lately). This project is called "moving." We are in the process of going through our house and either tossing away, giving away, or packing away all our stuff. The moving van will be here on Friday whether we are ready or not. I think it is better to be ready. We haven't moved in 10 1/2 years and so there is a lot of stuff to go through. We are hoping this is the last move we ever have to make.

Earlier this week, Ben and I packed up my office at the church. Except for a few files that got tossed and a whole bunch of tapes that I am bequething to Tyler, every thing in the office was carefully packed away. The contents of my office contain something very important to me. They are the books I have purchased over the years. We packed up 57 boxes in my office. 95% of those boxes contain nothing but books. These books are various in nature. Some are technical works on theology or language. Many are commentaries on books of the Bible. Others are books on Chrisitian living or biographies. All of these works are designed to either help me in my understanding of the Scripture, or in my living out of the truth, or in my teaching and preaching of the Word of God. I don't know how much all of these books cost, but their value is priceless. Why? Because the Word of God is more valuable than gold and precious jewels. Therefore the books that help me in my study of the truth of Scripture are so important.

I am thankful for God's Word. As I sit in my office and look at all the boxes, I give thanks to the Lord for the wonderful privilege I have of studying and teaching His revelation to us. As I gaze into the Bible I see my Savior and I am drawn closer to Him. I am thankful as well for the gifted men the Lord has given to the church who have written the books that have helped me and so many others. I hope in the future to obtain even more boxes of books as long as they assist me in the understanding of The Book. May God bless you as you read His powerful and priceless Word.


At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naaaah. You be good, but....that good?

Scott Varney


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