Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Blogging 101


If you look to right of this column you will see the Blakey Blogroll. This provides you with links to the blog sites of the other Blakeys. Sometimes it seems like we are writing to ourselves. One Blakey will write a blog and then some other Blakeys comment on it. Why don't we just send e-mails? Because we know that YOU are out there. Yes, that means YOU. We know that YOU are reading our blogs. One of my sons has some sophisticated tracking systems and he knows that some of YOU are linking to his blog from mine. So YOU are leaving an internet trail but YOU are just not identifying yourself.

Since my recent blogs have been on discipling, I thought I would walk YOU through how to leave a comment. At the bottom of this column YOU will see "comments." Click on the "comments" and a pop-up will appear. YOU simply type YOUR comment and then sign YOUR name. YOU could leave YOUR comment anonymously, but YOU don't want to do that. YOU either put your name or if YOU are a blogger, YOU sign YOUR blog name. Then YOU click on publish and YOUR comment is there. See how easy it is.

Since YOU may not know what to say, I'm going to make it even easier for YOU. Above is a picture of me about to attempt a 20 foot birdie putt on the 5th green at Spyglass Hill Golf Course. All YOU have to leave in the comment section is "Yes" if YOU think I made the putt or "No' if YOU think I missed the putt. How easy is that? After I get about 20 responses I will post another column with the answer.

In discipling we are always looking for F.A.T. people. People who are Faithful, Available, and Teachable. The success of my blog discipling will depend on whether or not YOU are F.A.T.

I hope to hear form many of YOU. May God bless YOU, whoever YOU are.

Update as of 9/9/05: Wow! 10 responses already! We're half way there. All we need is for 10 more of YOU to respond and then I'll give the rest of the story. I know that YOU are out there. Follow the example of the others and make YOUR comment today.

Update as of 9/11/05: Thanks for all the kind comments that have been left. I have been encouraged by reading what YOU have said. Let me respond to some specific comments:
Gary: Of course, I always use Titleist ProV1's. Thanks again.
Bobby and Christa: So you think you know me?. I'd only ask the question if I made the putt?. All I can say is judge not, lest ye be judged :)
Diana, Brad, Evan, Ben: Thanks for your comments regarding my golfing ability and commitment (hardcore to the bone).
Darcie, Darcie, Darcie: A birdie is one better than par. So, on this particular hole the par was a three. I was putting for a two. Congratulations, though, on successfully posting a comment and officially entering the blogosphere.

There was one of YOU who entered a comment on another entry, so actually the count right now is 14. If you want me to answer the question you are all waiting for, we need 6 more of YOU to respond. I know that there are way more than 6 of YOU looking in on this blog, so log on and get in the game.

May God bless YOU all this week.


At 12:05 AM, Blogger Pastor Bruce said...

I left this comment just to get the ball rolling (get it?). Well, do you think I made the putt or not? I'll be looking for your comments.

At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bruce,

If you were using the Titleist Pro VI's I gave you for your birthday this year, then the answer is "Yes, you made it!" I'm glad to see that you and your family are doing well!
I read your blogs faithfully and I want to thank you for your consistent faithful teaching of God's Word and it's applications in our lives as believers.
May God continue to bless you and the family.

At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dad, As a fellow blogger I know how encouraging it is to receive comments. This summer Brad, Ty, Christa, and I would all gather around the screen in excitement to see who responded and what they had to say. I know that blogs like yours are an encouragement to many readers, but comments are an encouragement to the writer. And yes, I think that you made the putt, otherwise I don't know if you would ask the question.

At 11:00 AM, Blogger roberta said...

I know the answer, so I won't give it away, but I wanted to leave a comment. It's the way Blakeys communicate these days!

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Christa Blakey said...

Comments are definitely an encouraging part of blog writing. It's good to know the people who are reading your writings and their thoughts on your entries. I know I appreciate it when you and mom leave comments at my site!
I have to agree with Bobby, I think you make it or you probably wouldn't have asked us to guess or have pictures documenting the occasion. I guess we've got 15 comments to go before I can find out though...

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yes, I'm sure you made it.

Hope you are getting well situated in your new situation.

Hello to all the Blakeys...

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you made it since well, you're Pastor Blakey A.K.A. the Tiger Woods of Canyon Country.

Diana C.

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once participated in a Hotchkiss golf tournement at Valencia with Billy, and based on his score that day, and the fact that you're his dad, I'd have to say, BIRDIE!

At 7:36 PM, Blogger Evan said...

I don't know very much about golf or how difficult a shot might be, but since you seem to be a pretty hardcore golfer (sp?), I'm goin with a yes.

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say yes. I also wanted to say that yes I have been getting on your website to read your columns because I want to learn and continue to grow in my walk with the Lord. I grew more under your leadership at Believers than I ever have in my life and I thank you for that. I will miss hearing your sermons and miss you being here but I do understand what it is to go home. I hope things go well for you there and God continues to use you there as much as he did here at Believers.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Ben Blakey said...

How can I possibly say, "no"? You're the "best golfing pastor in America."

I also thought that your post was very imformative and easy to follow, and obviously it was effective.

At 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Bruce,

Of course, I think you made the shot.

At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bruce, what's a birdie putt? I don't know much about golf but since Roberta was there cheering you on, I think you made the shot. Actually, though, I would like to comment on your "Blogging 101" because I think I need a blogging course. You see, I tried to comment on one of your previous blogs, but it didn't work!(or maybe my comment was censored?) So,I'll give it another try, following your instructions step by step.

At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are funny! A competition? I think that you made it! I know next to nothing about golf but Dad says you're good so since I trust him to know I am confident that you birdied! Is that how you spell the past tense of it? I hope that CA is great and the new job rewarding...we miss you here but are expectant of the future for everyone! :) Thanks for letting us keep up via the blog! Blog on!

At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Blakey,
You are a good golfer so I believe that OF COURSE you made the shot! We do miss all of you! Thank you so much for your service here to us. I do pop in and read your BLOGS and the rest of the Blakey BLOGS! This was a good idea to get comments coming in! It made it easier for me!

At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Bruce

Sure you made the putt, could we expect anything less. Great to see you are well.

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Bill Blakey said...

Has anyone wondered if maybe you just said, "It's a gimme," and picked up?


At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ordinarily, I would say you made it, but someone has to take the contrarian view. I'm going to say you missed it - not by much - maybe it lipped out. I know you're Pastor Blakey and all, but you are human after all.

Hope you had a good time.....

At 3:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

That's a pretty intense shot you are attempting. What's the majority saying? I would love to go against the majority, but knowing your golfing SKILLS, and all those hours of practice when your office door was closed, I will say yes. One request, if you did make the putt I think you should reveal it to the blogosphere by saying: "You know I do." (in true Napoleon Dynamite fashion) Peace out.

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well...I'd have to say you didn't make the shot, since you really wanted to hang out longer on the golf course, so you did it in 3. As an avid Putt-Putt golfer though, I'd like to know, where is the windmill and the wishing well? Now those are hard shots.
I hope you guys are doing well. Your BLOGS are wonderful to read. Keep on BLOGGING. :)

At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Blakley:

What Does INRI Mean?

Jonathan carnes, age 8


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