Grace Alone
There are certain non-negotiable truths that we must build our Christian lives upon. The great Protestant reformers boiled it down to five foundational doctrines.
We’ve already looked at Scripture Alone and Christ Alone. Today let’s consider a third, Grace Alone.
Salvation is by grace alone not the result of anything in us. There is nothing we do to merit, earn, or deserve our salvation. Salvation is simply and only by God’s grace.
Grace is God’s unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor. Our salvation is by grace alone. That is good news. But, it does require humility. You see, we want to take some of the credit. We want to think that there was something in us, or something we did or at least that we were smarter than others and that is why we should be saved.
The Bible says we are saved by grace and grace alone.
At Believers Fellowship we rejoice in God’s grace. Visit us Sunday and go online to
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