This week is often referred to as Passion Week. It is the week leading up to and including the crucifixion of Christ.
Often, during this week, Christians will reflect upon the seven last sayings of Christ. These seven statements are recorded in the gospels as having been said by Christ while He was on the cross.
The first one is found in Luke 23:34. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”
Here Jesus prays for the forgiveness of the very ones who are crucifying and mocking Him. This is a powerful illustration of the amazing grace of our Savior. Christ demonstrated incredible compassion for spiritually blind men.
Luke 23:47 records that this prayer was answered in part by the conversion of the Roman centurion, who was there and witnessed Christ’s death.
Have you responded to Christ’s grace by believing in Him?
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As you described some of the realities of the sufferings of the cross last Sunday morning that Christ would have endured, I was thinking of these "last words" He would have spoken. To have pushed His body up on the nail to grab enough breath to speak alone would have been grueling --- and to think how those first ones would have been ones of forgiveness and grace towards others -- Truly AMAZING GRACE OF OUR SAVIOR!!!
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