Monday, April 02, 2007

Up From the Grave He Arose!

The Garden Tomb is just outside the Old City of Jerusalem. It is probably not the actual grave that Christ was in but it is close and it is in a beautiful location. What you see in the picture is the door of the tomb. Just to make sure that He wasn't there, we went inside and checked it out. Guess what? It was empty!

This week we remember the death and resurrection of our Savior. Obviously these facts are the foundation of the gospel. Jesus died for our sins and He rose for our justification. We are forgiven based entirely upon what Christ has done. When we were in Jerusalem, we realized that we were in the place where these momentous events took place. No doubt Satan is trying to confuse the issue and the most probable location of the crucifixion and resurrection is covered by a church where some really weird stuff goes on, but that can't hide the fact that Christ accomplished the work of salvation in that place.

I hope that this week you will be able to concentrate on the truth and that your heart will well up and overflow with great thanksgiving and joy becuase we have a risen and living Savior. When we were in the tomb we were tempted to write on the wall, "I'm not here, but I'm coming back!" What a day of rejoicing that will be!

I trust that this week you will have peace in your heart becuase you have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Shalom.


At 11:01 AM, Blogger verumserum said...

Hi Bruce. I found your blog somehow. I was thinking about you this morning as I was reading through Joel. I met Ron Goodnough at the UW back in Dec and he told me you had moved to join the staff to teach in CA.
How precious is the peace we have toward God. In light of our protection from His great wrath. I have been thinking about how we once were "exiled" from God in our sin, but now have been brought back "home" by the blood of Christ. God's Word is so rich in enlightening the believer
of our true identity in Him.
Weird that you just took a trip to Israel because I wanted to ask you a question. I got to see the Dead SS here in Seattle a few months back and attended some of the lecture series on the people of Qumran. I am intrigued by the scrolls and how they relate to these people. What is your take? Do you think they believed they were the remnant of Israel as discussed in Isaiah and Joel etc? There are arguments that they believed in resurrection and predeterminism--unlike most of their "well educated" counterparts in Jerusalem.
Your trip sounded fantastic!
I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Lately my wife and I have been struggling to settle into a church body up here. My wife desires some godly friends amidst my need for solid Bible teaching. It has been hard to find both. We have been attending a PCA recently, but it has been hard to get know people.
Anyway it is encouraging to read your blog. Shalom.
Kenny Day

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this may be the tomb. I have been hearing of someone finding JESUS' body, but none of the "proof" was very compelling. Even though there was a bracelet on the remains of the cold lifeless body that read: WHAT WOULD I DO.
I tend to agree with this sign on the tomb door. Thanks for the pictures. How great it would be to see this place.


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