Monday, May 09, 2005

Living the Good Life

What is living the good life? How would you define it? Does it consist of houses, cars, money, clothes, boats, vacations, food, sports, health, peace, family, parties, and fun? Most people would say you've got to have some or all of these things to live the good life.

What does the Bible say? Take a look at 1 Peter 3:8-12. Peter was writing to Christians in a hostile environment. They were hated, slandered, mistreated, abused, and persecuted. Yet, Peter tells these believers that they can live the good life apart from any particular possessions or circumstances.

Look at v. 10. "Love life" means "life to be loving." This speaks of a quality of life. It is a life lived zestfully and with purpose. "Good days" means days that are really beneficial, days that are not empty and meaningless. This is the good life. You can have all the possessions and good circumstances and not live this kind of life.

How do I know this? Take a look around. Even many Christians who have relatively good circumstances live lives of dissatisfaction. They are generally unhappy. A lot of Christians spend their days grumbling and complaining. It doesn't have to be this way.

We can be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead. Our lives don't need to be consumed with stress and discord. We don't have to be consumed with jealousy, envy, and hatred. How? By remembering that we have been called to inherit a blessing. God called us out of darkness and into the light. He called us out of death and into life. We have an inheritance that we did not deserve or earn. God freely sent His Son to die for us and to rescue us from our sin. Because I am blessed I can be a blessing. Because I have an inheritance secured for me in heaven I don't have to get all hung up on the things of this world. And when I am focused on the blessings given to me, life on this earth gets that much better.

I can keep my tongue from those things that so often stir up trouble. I can swerve away from evil and do good. I seek peace and pursue it. I can be a fireman rather than an arsonist. How? Because I know the eyes of the Lord on me, watching out for me and I know His ears are open to my cry. The Lord is always watching and listening to His children. I also know that the Lord can take care of those who do evil. I don't need to seek my own revenge. I can leave that up to the Lord.

What we normally do when we are mistreated is stir up more trouble. We feel the need to state our case, to make things right, to make sure every one knows that I am right and this other person is wrong. No, I don't need to do that. You don't need to do that. Pour out your grief before the Lord. Trust in Him. Do what is right.

This is a huge issue. This is ginormous. We create so much trouble for ourselves rather than experiencing the good life that the Lord provides. The good life isn't in trying to get everything the way you would want it but rather it is in rejoicing in the Lord, walking with Him, trusting Him, and in being kind to others even when they act like jerks.

Enjoy the Lord and live the good life.


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