Jesus is Savior, God, and King!
God sent the angel Gabriel to Mary to tell her that she would conceive and give birth to a very special child. Gabriel carefully described this child to Mary.
The child’s name would be Jesus. He was given this name because He would save His people from their sins and Jesus means, “The Lord is salvation.” Mary would give birth to the Savior.
Gabriel also told Mary that her son would be great and called the Son of the Most High – the Son of God. This child would not only be the Savior, but He would be God in the flesh.
Not only would this child be the Savior and God incarnate, but He would also be the eternal king who had been promised to David. This child’s kingdom will have no end.
Jesus is Savior, God, and King. The birth of this Son shows that nothing is impossible with God.
Jesus IS....... AMEN!!!
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